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Phobia about crown on upper tooth

  • Thread starter Thread starter Marionelizabeth
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Junior member
Feb 3, 2025
Hi all
Thank goodness for this group. In October of last year I needed a crown. Dentist put on temporary, and it came off that night, several weeks later I got my permanent crown for the tooth placed and it came off three months later. It seems the crown was deficient
I have deep phobia about my teeth and after the crown came off I kept thinking my other crowns will fall out, that maybe the tooth with the crown may be damaged Etc etc.its to the point I dread eating because I don’t want to deal with the anxiety.
Yesterday I got a temp placed again and prep for the permanent crown that fell out recently. But I’m having such a hard time eating on the temp for fear of something happening to my tooth. I’m truly scared about the permanent crown placement in a few weeks because I have such phobia that it’s to the point I have to stop from having panic attacks.
Any words of advice or wisdom?
Hi Marion,
with the bonding agents used nowadays, a crown shouldn't just fall out - they're crazy strong... did your dentist say why the crown fell out, and what would be done to prevent it from happening again?
Thank you so much for responding. He was pretty speechless as to why it came out. It had a few holes in it and he said it was probably manufacturing issues again he was shocked at the hole in it. I do bite down and grind (I wear a night guard). He’s replacing all free of charge. He said he will reinforce with metal attached the crown to prevent this from happening again. So far the temp crown he placed is holding up well. It’s uncomfortable in that it’s sitting high but I’m adjusting.