• Dental Phobia Support

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Possible Wisdom Tooth impaction/eruption


Mr Overthinker

Junior member
Nov 5, 2024
chattanooga, TN
SO.... i have seen a little white dot behind one of my teeth on the top row, which makes me think its exposed, and im terrified to go because when i was younger i went and had x-rays done and i believe my radiologist told me that one ore more of my wisdom teeth were growing in sideways like < MOUTH > and not V MOUTH V. I hope someone thinks im not crazy...
With the whole surgery and nitrous, its very anxiety and I've NEVER been good in hospitals or ERs because doctors tell me they had to hold/restrain me and i feel like something bad might happen because i fear nitrous or some sub-conscious fear...
its only been a light pain like growing\adapting skin but i overthink alot should i be worried?
Completely horrified of the idea of a dry socket
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