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Post extraction and Flipper question

  • Thread starter Thread starter Sarithecat
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Junior member
Jan 9, 2023
Devon, UK
Hi, sorry for yet another question I had the extraction yesterday and placement of a partial/flipper tooth. The relief is huge and I can feel the anxieties around the infection that have plagued me for the past few weeks beginning to settle.

I did ask her whether I needed antibiotics after the extraction as infection was present she said unlikely they'd be needed and to see how it goes. Is this normal? ( I'm not doubting her word, its just my anxiety gets into my head and starts making me think maybe everybody else does it a different way and the infection will get worse)

She didn't really offer any advice about the flipper tooth denture, I asked if I should keep in for first night she said I could. I did keep it in last night and am tempted to keep in again tonight or is this not necessary?

What do I clean it with? I've had a search on this site and people say mild soap but I'm unsure what that means. Is it literal soap like you'd wash your body with?

As a side not, if anyone stumbles on this post and is waiting for a similar treatment;its a upper front tooth and I have to say its a good looking piece of kit. Its NHS and I was unsure what was coming but hardly any palate cover, no metal clasps and no gum cover so far its not too uncomfortable to wear.
I did ask her whether I needed antibiotics after the extraction as infection was present she said unlikely they'd be needed and to see how it goes. Is this normal? ( I'm not doubting her word, its just my anxiety gets into my head and starts making me think maybe everybody else does it a different way and the infection will get worse)
No need for antibiotics, the root cause (sorry!) of the infection has been removed (the tooth), any few remaining bacteria will be easily mopped up by your excellent immune system.

She didn't really offer any advice about the flipper tooth denture, I asked if I should keep in for first night she said I could. I did keep it in last night and am tempted to keep in again tonight or is this not necessary?
Not a great idea, it's usually best to remove a denture over night to give the gums a chance to recover. You must keep it in overnight on the first night though, just so the clot forms around the denture.
Some people are very uncomfortable with the idea of not wearing the denture in bed so choose to wear it overnight, but it's not ideal.

What do I clean it with? I've had a search on this site and people say mild soap but I'm unsure what that means. Is it literal soap like you'd wash your body with?
Washing up liquid, you could use literal soap but Fairy liquid (other brands are available) is easier. Use a small nail brush to give it a scrub.

It's a good habit to give the denture a soak in some diluted bleach (yes, literal bleach) for 20 mins or so once a week. The ratio of 1 cap of bleach to 1 cup of COLD water is fine. The acrylic your denture is made from is slightly porous, fungi from your mouth can get established in the denture and can cause problems if your immune system takes a knock or if you're taking antibiotics for some reason. Don't forget to rinse it off before you put it back in!

Do not use Steradent or similar. It's an effective antibacterial agent but does nothing against fungi. You have both naturally occurring in your mouth, if you wipe out the bacteria in the denture then the fungi have no competition and will flourish, which isn't great.
@Gordon thank you very much. Fairy liquid makes sense. I will also do the diluted bleach once a week, I don't like the sound of a build up of fungus at all! I appreciate your help more than I can say. Going to try and sit back and turn my brain off for a few days and just stop fretting about every little thing.
@Sarithecat I’m having a front tooth extracted soon and will need a flipper. I think the flipper and the longevity I have to wear while waiting implant is causing me the most stress. Can you talk properly and eat with the flipper? Summer is coming just around the corner. And we camp and have bbq dinners out. Very stressed as to how this is going to make me antisocial and depressed. 10 months is a long time to be uncomfortable
@Natty1980 Hey, in my experience so far, Speech unaffected from day 1 due to very snug fit. Same with eating initially ( although I didnt bite down directly on it as I was worried it would snap/dislodge). It took me quite a long time to get used to eating with it, possibly due to my out of control anxiety but I've only had a couple of occasions when its come down while eating and one was from the caramel in a mars bar so not unexpected. I do still salt water rinse after every meal as I cannot stand the thought of debris trapped under. Its been fine really and was better than I expected from the very beginning. I think you'll be fine with camping and bbqs you kind of find ways to make things work for you and different situations. I think the nerves and what ifs before hand were way worse than the reality for me. Lots of luck, I hope it all goes well. As for the wait you just keep reminding yourself that every day is a day closer to an implant, you will soon enough be on the other side of this
@Sarithecat omg thank you so much. Your responds has made me feel a bit more at ease lol. Definitely not coping well this anxiety of these procedures and of my future for the next year. And of course kinda feel I am in mourning of my tooth that will be forever gone. Kinda silly. I am meeting with my doctor Tuesday and am going to ask if I can get a bit of time off after removal and placement of flipper. My mental health might need some time . At 43 having a front tooth removed certainly isn’t something I ever expected. But hey, I guess it’s gotta happen. Appreciate your quick responds 😊
@Natty1980 yeah its definatley had an impact on my mental health and my self worth. I tried everything to hold on to that tooth, at 46 I never imagined loosing a tooth and a front one at that. It does get better though. I have adapted to it and dont spend my whole time thinking about it anymore. Just be gentle with yourself, some time off is a good idea just so you can get over the initial recovery and also adjust to the flipper. And remember its just a temporary thing. Lots of luck