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Post-Extraction Healing Progress and Dry Socket Worries



Junior member
Dec 25, 2016
Hello there. I had to have my bottom right 2nd molar extracted last Wednesday morning and I've been worrying to no end about possible dry socket. It has been approximately 80 hours since the extraction was done and it went fairly smoothly from what I can tell. The tooth was taken out in pieces but with very little trauma to the gum or socket. Bleeding didn't seem severe at all and actually stopped within 30 minutes of having to bite down on the gauze.

Afterwards I followed the 24 hour checklist to the best of my ability (I did immediately begin vaping lightly once the gauze was out) and have watched the wound quickly go from a dark red clot to the white tissue which was expected. At the 72 hour mark this morning I noticed a little pin hole forming in the middle of the white tissue, the tissue having shrunk inwardly and now at the current time the hole seems to have become a bit larger. There is still whitish tissue surrounding it but it is shrinking. I have also noticed a few tinges of very light but sharp pain in the area. I'd rate it at maybe 1 or 1.5 out of 10 pain.

Should I be alarmed about the dark spot in the center? Is this normal or should I be preparing for some horrible dry socket pain? Is the occasional bit of pain normal?

UPDATE: Since posting this thread the hole seems to have disappeared and is now covered with the white stuff again.
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Everything sounds like it is healing very normally. You're almost past the time frame that a dry socket occurs. I'd try to avoid vaping as much as you can for at least another day in order to allow it to heal more quickly. Other than that, you should be just about out of the woods as far as dry sockets go.
Alright, that is good news then. I did check it again just now and it seems to have a little indent in the middle of the white tissue, kind of a hole but not really. Gums seem to be closing more and more every time I check it. Thank you.