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Post-wisdom teeth - is this possibly bone fragment coming through or something else?

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Junior member
Aug 14, 2016
Post-wisdom teeth - is this possibly bone fragment coming through or something else?

I had my wisdom teeth removed August 11th, almost two months ago. Everything seemed to be going fine, holes are slowly closing up and all that. Just a day or two ago, however, I noticed the gum area on the left side seems a bit.. puffier than it should. This is the top of the gum area right behind my last molar - I would like ot point out that the hole from my removal was not done right in this area, but rather off to the side. It doesn't really hurt when I press on it, but off/on throughout the day I'll feel some twinges of pain or some soreness. I'm not sure if I'm just paranoid and making myself think there is pain, or if this could possibly be a piece of bone fragment or something slowly working its way up .There is nothing sticking out yet, and my oral surgeon didn't mention having to leave any pieces behind. Or is this normal when gums are repairing in various areas after removal? Could there have been something trapped in there?
There are two pictures below of my attempt at photographing the area. I know it's pretty bad quality and angle, but that was the best I could do right now. It's hard to see, but I think you can faintly see where it's slightly raised right behind my back molar.


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Re: Post-wisdom teeth - is this possibly bone fragment coming through or something else?

I don't see anything I'd be concerned about from the pictures. It could possibly be a bone fragment working it's way out or it could just be a little bit of irritation in the area causing it to swell temporarily. Either way, it probably just needs some time. Keep the area clean, brush and floss behind that back molar, and you should be just fine. If it is a small piece of bone working it's way out, it will eventually come through the surface and you or your dentist can easily remove it.