• Dental Phobia Support

    Welcome! This is an online support group for anyone who is has a severe fear of the dentist or dental treatment. Please note that this is NOT a general dental problems or health anxiety forum! You can find a list of them here.

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Pretty pathetic, huh?



Junior member
Dec 28, 2007
To me, I find it pathetic that I am scared to go to the dentist just for the regular cleaning. I 'dunno, it just scares me knowing things might go wrong. I also hate how your mouth is open for so long, and the polishing annoys my teeth, the scaling too.... Any suggestions on how to ease on the anxiety?
:welcome:In my experience, there are comfortable cleanings and intermittently extremely uncomfortable cleanings...it really does depend who is wielding the tools and no you are not pathetic...I did not consider myself to be dentally anxious and used to not mind going to the dentist at all until I encountered the hygienist from hell:devilish: in a new country and for some reason failed to assert myself and stop proceedings. She revived a few bad childhood dental experiences which I had long since shelved and I ended up being a moderator on here, despite wasting no time in moving on to a different dental practice.
I have since moved on again and found myself to be in 'dental heaven' once again (as in UK), so I say it all depends who does the cleaning...some are much more gentle than others and give you control without being asked. Funnily enough with the ones who give you control, you find you don't ever actually need to stop them...funny that!

There are loads of remedies for this including numbing gels, LA, nitrous oxide but personally I found changing dentist and hygienist was sufficent.
Have a look at this new thread on the subject it may help.....

Don't worry - this one can be easily overcome....shout again if any other issues occur to you.
it's not pathetic at all!I remember my cleanings.the part with the brush was fine.it was great tasting too.The problem was with the poking and scraping.Not extremely painful but enough of a bother that you treally wanted it over.Worst part was the exam when the dentist had to use his poker to find cavities.when he found one you knew it!!!.see if nitrous is available where you go cuz it really makes a difference.Good luck.
If you could get nitrous that would be the way to go because along with putting you at ease it acts like a weak painkiller as to stop a little of the discomfort from the cleaning.;) And you arent pathetic eaither, I extremely dislike the cleanings and I get nitrous for them all.:thumbsup:

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We all have our fears and phobias and its not pathetic at all to dislike having cleaning and polishing. But, unfortunately, to keep teeth healthy and clean this is one of the things that we need to have done to our teeth. My sister recently had cleaning and she said that she thoroughly enjoyed it. The only part she didn't enjoy so much was the polishing, it didn't hurt at all, and all she really had against it was that it was a bit gritty. But I tell you, her teeth looked marvellous afterwards.