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Question about rest seat.

  • Thread starter Thread starter Blue Oleander
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Blue Oleander

Junior member
Sep 16, 2016
My Dentist drilled a rest seat into a perfectly normal tooth and now any time I drink something cold, air touches it or I run my tongue over the tooth, it hurts. I put a temporary filling in it to help stop the pain until I can go back to the Dentist. My question is, the tooth is not decayed or anything. It just has a hole drilled in it. This is, I believe, tooth #28. Why is it hurting like this?
It sounds like the rest seat extended near or into the inner dentin layer of your tooth. The dentin layer is much more sensitive than the outer enamel layer. When you start wearing your partial, it will literally rest down into this depression and cover it and this should minimize most of the sensitivity. This area will also likely become less sensitive given some time. If you continue to have significant sensitivity in this area, your dentist may need to place a thin layer of filling material to seal off the sensitive dentin.