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Question about Root Canal I Just Had

  • Thread starter Thread starter dade1980
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Junior member
Jan 13, 2024
First, I want to just celebrate how brave I was! I had an unplanned root canal on a tooth that had been aching all weekend. My question is that during the procedure, I had some sharp pain when she was filling the cleaned out canal with gutta percha. It was at first a hot sensation then nerve like pain but higher up (in gum area). It subsided after about 30 seconds or so and she had warned me that I might feel a sensation. When I asked, she said it sometimes can hurt due to pain from the nerves in my gum area.

I guess what I'm obsessing about is that she overfilled my tooth with the gutta percha and it will be painful when the novocain wears off (or painful forever). Part of me knows this is irrational (novocain is already mostly worn off as I type this and besides the places where she injected me, there is very little soreness), but I still worry. What is the phenomenon behind the pain with the heat from the melting gutta percha and what would be the harm if there was some over fill? I don't want to google because that leads to horrible, anxiety ridden places. Any insight would be helpful!
Not necessarily an overfill, you can get some strange little nerve "twinges" when you get to the very apex of the root canal, even if the patient seems totally numb. in any event, any over filling with GP will quickly be munched away by your immune cells, it's always better to slightly over fill than be short when it comes to root canals.
It's not unusual to have a bit of post op tenderness to biting and hot drinks for a few days post root canal treatment, I think our FAQ covers it if you want to look for it.
It's not unusual to have a bit of post op tenderness to biting and hot drinks for a few days post root canal treatment, I think our FAQ covers it if you want to look for it.

To make it easier to find them, here are the links (we've got root canal FAQs both on the website as well as the forum):
