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Question concerning tooth that must be pulled

  • Thread starter Thread starter Gabriella1
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Junior member
Aug 13, 2014
Not sure the "root" to go. Went to my dentist and he found a large cavity in my upper left molar. He said that this cavity was due to the wisdom tooth next to it being so close to the tooth. Root canal work was tried by unsuccessful because the tooth was too decayed. The tooth has to be pulled along with upper wisdom tooth. Since it is further back, one will not be able to see the gap. Should I live with it or is it best to have some type of implants. If implants are done, is there any problem with them. Thanking those with any experience in this for their advise.
I have had my wisdom teeth all pulled at different times and I also lost my rear molar on the left (not wisdom) It had a caivty and then broke rather quickly and I had it extracted.

My dentist told me it can be hard to place implants in that spot especially if you have lost bone density. He said I could live long term without mine and it's been OK