Former Member
About two months ago I went to the dentist and got four fillings. Three of them were normal and haven't caused me any pain. The last one, a molar on my bottom left, was very deep. My dentist told me that if I had severe pains, like not being able to sleep, that I might need a root canal. Initially, I only experienced mild pain that went away after a couple days. However, after a few weeks I started experiencing random sensitivity throughout my teeth, not just my molar. In the last recent days, the molar that received a deep feeling has begun to randomly hurt, an aching feeling. Sometimes it occurs after I eat something cold or hot, but other times it happens out of the blue. I haven't been experiencing severe pain, but it worries me a lot.

My next regular appointment is in October. If something is wrong but I don't feel anything major, is it bad to wait until then? I don't want permanent irreversible damage.

My next regular appointment is in October. If something is wrong but I don't feel anything major, is it bad to wait until then? I don't want permanent irreversible damage.