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Regular implants vs. mini implants for lowerdentur

  • Thread starter Thread starter boomer47
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Junior member
Mar 30, 2006

Could someone pleae tell me if using mini implants (2) for stabalizing lower denture would be sufficient. One dentist told me that I should get regular size implants.

The cost of regular size implants is so much more thatn Mini implants.

I would like to try to goi with the min, if at all possible.

Any help with this topic would be appreciated. I'm a severe dental phobic
(had agoraphobia for 5 years) It's a fear of going out. I've decided if I have to get dentures I might as well have the implants put in at the time of the full mouth extractions.

Any help on this topic would be appreciated. Thank you ::)
Re: Regular implants vs. mini implants for lowerde

The general concensus is that 4-6 mini implants are needed for mini-implant supported dentures (2-3 on each side). Or 2-3 regular implants.
If you asked a bunch of implant dentists what they'd choose for themselves, the answer would probably be regular (root form) implants, if at all possible.

If you'd be happier with minis, I'd suggest discussing the pros and cons of these vs. regular implants with a dentist who specializes in implants and who has actually seen your x-rays :).
Re: Regular implants vs. mini implants for lowerde


Thanks for the reply. I am going to discuss this next week with my oral surgeon before it's time for extractions which are next week. I have to ask him if I would be able to get the implants at the same time as the oral sugery for full mouth extractions or whether that would be too much at one time.

Thanks again