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removing teeth broken below gum line

  • Thread starter Thread starter alan101
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Junior member
Mar 30, 2014
iv seen it easy to remove roots broken at gum line

but what if it broke or rotted below gumline or gume started to grow over a bit?
Hello Alan,

I've got exactly the same problem and will be finding out on Wednesday just how they'll be removing the broken teeth where the gum has grown over it. I did ask, and they said they just numb the area and 'cut' away the gum. *shrugs* Not looking forward to it, but it has to be done, for the sake of getting healthy!

Hope someone else comes along and answers your question with more detail, just in the same boat as you right now! If no one answers you by Wednesday, I'll let you know. lol
OK, so my treatment never went ahead, so bumping your thread in the hopes someone can give you a satisfying answer.
How did this turn out?
It didn't. They've re-booked me for the 15th of October to sort my abscess and broken teeth. But they said all they do is cut away the gum and pull out the broken pieces. And apparently removing the broken pieces is far easier than a full tooth. If they numb the area really well, you shouldn't feel a thing and probably only hear it 'crunching' and have the discomfort of a tugging feeling. They said once all those teeth are sorted, your overall health is improved. The health of your teeth, equals better health for your body, so they say and I believe them!
What Dragonfinger said!
It is easier to remove teeth broken down to gum level. Indeed, dentists will often take the tooth off a multirooted tooth and divided it into individual roots at gum level to make a difficult extraction easier.
Hope it all goes well for you guys.

What if it's a severely decayed wisdom tooth that is rotted to the gumline? Would that tooth break into many pieces when they try to remove it and make it more difficult to extract?