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Replacing an old filling?

  • Thread starter Thread starter MountainMama
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Well-known member
Jul 1, 2018
Is it really traumatic to a tooth to replace a filling? I have pain in a tooth that has an amalgam filling that is at least 15 years old. A previous filling replacement in an achy tooth resulted in irreversible pulpitis so I am super hesitant.
The dentist previously wanted to crown the tooth but I canceled after another crown prep resulted in irreversible pulpitis.

I don’t know what to do and am terrified of starting another chain of losing teeth
Oh I should add the filing is large and fairly deep I think. I’m sure if it was replaced, it would be fairly close to the pulp. I don’t want to move up the date that the tooth will need extraction (poke the hornets nest, so to speak), but if it will help fix the problem I want to consider it. I would think that as old as the filling is there is probably a good chance that there is decay under it.
I just had all of my silver fillings (20-30 year old fillings!!) replaced with in the last year because of decay. I have a tooth like yours. An old filling that was deep. That tooth had sensitivity for weeks and weeks. Using sensodyne toothpaste made it a lot better.
I just had all of my silver fillings (20-30 year old fillings!!) replaced with in the last year because of decay. I have a tooth like yours. An old filling that was deep. That tooth had sensitivity for weeks and weeks. Using sensodyne toothpaste made it a lot better.

... and now it’s good to go right? Doesn’t hurt anymore.
I have a feeling it is going to need to come out. Now I can’t chew at all on the tooth, even soft foods. It must be cracked like the dentist originally thought. I just cannot catch a break with my teeth
I made an appointment to go in Wednesday but I am not sure if I can keep it. I am too terrified as to what they will say. Plus, Tuesday is when I get my implants uncovered and the torque test done, so I may be in pain from that. I think I may have subconsciously scheduled that time on purpose, giving me an out.
@MountainMama . If your experience is anything like mine at uncovering. You won't feel a thing during or after. I braced myself and was really scared of the torque. Walked out thinking what just happened could tell he did anything just had the healing abutment out now. :) Hope it goes well for you!
Wishing you the best - for both the implants and the tooth needing the filling replaced. I understand your fears completely and hope you have a smooth appointment with good news!
@MountainMama hi .

Did this hurt at all ? I’m in exactly the same position. Same type of filling been in for years but now has leaked and needs replacing.
Was the procedure okay putting a new one in😭
@Monarchandthemilkweed this is what I need one of mine replacing !! Am scared though and know I can’t put it off 😭😭 He thinks it will be deep also . Did it hurt at all ? Did you need a root canal? As he said I may 😭
@Natzuk, I never ended up having mine done. I ended having the tooth extracted instead because it was cracked. I had an implant placed.

I have had a filling replaced and the process itself doesn’t hurt. It is no worse than getting a filling to begin with. You are numb and it doesn’t hurt after. Since my post, I was discovered to have atypical facial pain, or neuralgia, so my “irreversible pulpitis” after my filling replacement was not really that. It was my nerves misfiring.