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Risk of Osteomyelitis from an Asymptomatic Abscess?

  • Thread starter Thread starter dentalnelly
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Nov 6, 2022
London, England
In true dental-phobic fashion, I fell down a rabbit hole, and I wondered the likelihood of having 1. a long-term asymptomatic abscess and 2. that abscess causing osteomyelitis. I have a tooth, second molar, that I'm going to ask to be removed as it is non-restorable and I think it's the source of intermittent bad taste - much less than when my gland was clogged - and the one next to it which is root canalled as the filling is degrading and can't be replaced.

I had my check up and nothing was mentioned to me about them being issues but the fear comes from the fact, I'm an NHS patient and I know that bitewings aren't the best diagnostic tool but that's all my practice has and I can't afford private despite how much I want to go.
1. a long-term asymptomatic abscess
It happens. It's not common but it does happen occasionally
2. that abscess causing osteomyelitis.
Vanishingly rare. You'd need to have a serious underlying medical issue first.

'm an NHS patient and I know that bitewings aren't the best diagnostic tool but that's all my practice has
Actually the best diagnostic tool from an x-ray POV is the periapical film, which your practice absolutely has if they can take bite wings.
Thanks, Gordon. I didn't know that about the xrays and it's really good to hear.

I'm just concerned about long term damage to the bone from an unidentified abscess but I had my bitewings done in Oct so not sure what if anything would have been picked up. I just feel like I had that check up and since then everything has blown up with problem after problem.