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Root canal and crown not settling after a couple months

  • Thread starter Thread starter Ottosmomma
  • Start date Start date


Aug 12, 2018
How long should I let this root canal Ed tooth try and settle before considering another root canal or extraction?

Back story:
I had a root canal and crown places on my far back molar about two months ago. It was very inflamed prior to the rc. It had a lot of work done on it prior and then new work done and then became inflamed so we did there rc. It hurt really bad for at least a week or two after the rc and crown and I could not bite on it at all. The pain and inflammation seemed to subside. not perfect, I had morning biting pain fairly often with the first bite of anything hard I chewed, like crusty bread or something. It seemed to go away that biting pain, for a few weeks. Now it seems to be back, not worse but not better then before either. It never hurts any other time, just with biting and the pain is a mild but annoying discomfort. It’s usually primarily painful only on the first bite of something.

Long story buttons now been about two months since the original root canal and crown placement and I’m anxious. Will this settle? My dentist said my original few weeks of discomfort were not unusual, just kind of unlucky. He didn’t see any cracks and didn’t seem worried
I'd get it checked again, might be something simple like needing the bite adjusted on the new crown.