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Root canal pain 16 days post treatment



Junior member
Jul 12, 2024
I had a root canal in a back molar. completed by two different dentists due to a bad experience with the first one who didn’t take my anxiety into concern. Got moved to a more understanding dentist for the second part of the treatment which was reinfected. He finished the root Canal and prescribed metodianzole as I was still in a lot of pain. I’m getting pain on pressure to the tooth, not agony but uncomfortable, dentist said in review I had yesterday that the root canal looked good. He did the percussion test which I could feel but the cold test I couldn’t feel.

Is this the root Canal failing or do I need to give it longer? Im only in pain when pressure is applied and then it will remain sore for some time, it will then be pain free until I put pressure on it again. If I don’t eat I don’t feel pain. Appreciate any help. Thanks
Give it a bit longer. It sounds like it was quite badly infected so may take a bit of time to heal.
@Gordon thanks for taking the time to reply . I will give it a bit more time. Thanks.
How are you feeling now? I’m in between appointments and due to go back tomorrow and mine is throbbing. Wondering if I still have infection in there
It’s improved but I’m still having intermittent pain. I saw another dentist and he debunked they only take two weeks to heal.said you need to give it much longer!
@abbey87 Hello I'm having exactly the same problems but I'm 2 months down the line. My dentist said exactly the same but she d8d say that root canal doesn't always work and sometimes you just have to have the tooth removed......
Hi, I'm experiencing the exact same problem with a bottom left molar root canal. I'm 4 weeks post treatment and still in quite a lot of pain that extends into my Jaw. I've had a CBCT scan and X-rays and my Endo insists neither show any signs of fracture. My crown placement is currently delayed due to the pain I'm experiencing, I'm honestly thinking long term if I should of just had this tooth out. My root canal was due to irreversible pulpitis from a deep filling my dentist had done so I had no abscess beforehand just pain. If you see this and can provide any update on what your outcome was I'd be very grateful. Thank you
Hi there I'm still having pain and I now feel my tooth is going to have to be removed
I feel this is something I wish I would have done to begin with, especially financially. I’m being treated for TMD and waiting for a splint to be made to see if this helps incase it’s ligament damage but the pain just doesn’t seem worth it anymore.
Yes I feel exactly the same, financially the cost for the whole procedure was £1300 and there will be more costs to have the tooth removed.....ce la vie
Ps did your dentist use a Dental Dam?
Hope we’re both pain free soon!
@Jswag yes a dental dam was used, I also had a delta split at the apex (small accessory canal) I think it’s called, that wasn’t picked up until a X-ray was taken while the tooth was open. This money would have contributed towards an implant but we live and learn.