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Root canal retreat in a few hours. Alone and scared.



Well-known member
Mar 9, 2022
Hey everyone. I’m sure you’ve seen my threads here. I had a root canal done last month which I was sickly scared over. With much bravery and tears in my eyes, I did it.

It’s 10:40PM. I have my root canal retreatment on another tooth at 8AM. It’s just about here already. Last time I had more support. My mom was able to come with me, my partner was so supportive and helped me and held me as I cried beforehand. This time is different. Mom will be in a mandatory meeting and unavailable. My partner and I are having hard week with communication so we aren’t talking right now. I just wish I had a hug. I wish I had someone to tell me it’d be okay like before.

I don’t feel as brave as I did last time. I feel so alone and afraid.

I’m so afraid of what could go wrong. This time I’ll be alone. This time I’ll have no hug or hand to hold beforehand or to talk to me on the phone on my drive there. Please send me support, I need it so bad.

I don’t know how I’m gonna do this. I feel like I can’t.
you are gonna do AMAZING! i’ve had two root canals myself and if i can do it you can because i’m a serious scaredy cat!! 🐈 just try to remind yourself that the pain is temporary (but you’ll be so numb!!) and that after you defeat this root canal you are gonna feel so much better! Best of luck to you! 🥰
@peaches you are so kind. Thanks so very much. Just waking up and feeling sooooo nervous. I have an hour left to sleep and relax so I’m going to try my best to do that for now. I know this is for the better and I’ll be happy I did it too
Good luck, you'll do great
Hello my friends. I made it. I am home safe, still numb. Terrible headache but couldn't have asked for a more pleasant experience. Was prescribed meds incase I became symptomatic with pain, swelling etc. He said the infection inside didn't have pus or anything crazy so that's good. Next is to crown it in 2 weeks or so.

Thank you all for your support. It means the whole world to me. <3
Congratulations @conqueringfears :perfect:!! Sounds like it went really smoothly. Hopefully the pain meds will help with the headache as well (in case you've started taking them). Wishing you a speedy recovery!!
Conquering fears.. Great job going through with this even with your mom not being able to go and rough time with partner. I hope you are getting some rest and the pain isn't too bad.. You are doing great!! It sounds like they did a good job with everything! Hope you can reward yourelf somehow !! :grouphug: