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Scared about jaw getting dislocated



Junior member
Nov 17, 2023
Hi! I'm having a root canal treatment, and i have had 4 sessions so far (because some problems occured). The tooth in question is the last upper tooth next to the wisdom tooth. I have a really small mouth and it's hard for me to open the mouth wide enough for long periods of time. My dentist is using a biting block (or whatever it is called) on the other side, it's the smallest block there is and it makes the procedure much more bearable. It is not possible for me to do it without the block.

The problem is that every time they take it off after they are done and i get to close my mouth, my jaw on the left side (the block was on the right side) makes this weird thing, it like lurches when i close my mouth and it feels really scary. It happens every time i try to open and then close the mouth for the next like 15 minutes after the block is removed. It doesn't hurt but it feels like jaw dislocating and then going back to its place. Is that possible? Or is it something else? My dentist says the muscles in my face/mouth are really tight and that if the block is being used for too long the muscles could cramp so that the mouth wouldn't open. But i don't think the problem is in the muscles, it's in the joints or ligaments.

I don't mind the uncomfortable 15 minutes as long as i know it will pass and that my jaw will not dislocate. So the question is, can my jaw dislocate because of using the biting block? What happens if that (or the scary cramps that mouth won't open or close) occurs? Thank you for helping!
I don't mind the uncomfortable 15 minutes as long as i know it will pass and that my jaw will not dislocate. So the question is, can my jaw dislocate because of using the biting block?
No, it can't do that. You're getting muscle cramps which make it feel weird.

What happens if that (or the scary cramps that mouth won't open or close) occurs?
If the jaw dislocates it's pretty easy for the dentist to put it back in again. It's scary but doesn't hurt (except the dentist, if you're not careful you WILL get your fingers bitten when it goes back in!).