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Scared to eat because of my teeth

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Oct 11, 2009
I had a dentist appointment 2 weeks ago and was told I had multiple small, early cavities, and that I will need multiple fillings in 6 months unless I do something about it.

I've become totally obsessed with it, I have a huge dental fear anyway, and had to get a couple of fillings 2 years ago which I found absolutely AWFUL. I can't stand the thought of needing more fillings.

Since the appointment, I've been brushing at least 3 times a day, flossing daily and using high fluoride rinse. I've bought the highest concentration fluoride toothpaste and rinse I can find.

But I'm starting to get obsessed with eating. Initially, I just really cut down my sugar intake, ate anything sugary with a meal, and stopped snacking. I've changed to sugar free squash and reduced to half a spoon of sugar in my tea (which I don't drink much of). Now, it's like I'm just generally scared to eat anything. Whenever I put something in my mouth, I can picture it rotting my teeth away. I've lost 3kg in the past 12 days because of it. Now I do have weight to lose, but I'm concerned that this is becoming an unhealthy obsession, and I don't really know what to do. :(
Try taking Xylitol regularly and in your tea as a sweetener it's obtained from birch bark it kills the acid forming bacteria which are unable to digest it, go on google and look up " Dr Ellie Xylitol ".
Just use basic toothpaste (not whitening toothpaste these contain abrasive materials). If I have a cake I have to clean my teeth straight away but be gentle to much brushing can wear away the enamel, if I have a fruit juice I follow it with a drop of water. Check what alternative sweetener your sugar free drinks have !
Don't just have the fillings because the Dentist says you need them especially if you've changed your diet, but if you do, have the white composite ones, which adhere better to teeth, with mercury amalgam fillings the Dentist drills more of the healthy part of your teeth out so the filling is held in by the shape of the larger cavity.
I last went to the Dentist about 3 years ago (and hadn't been for ten years before that) to have three mercury fillings replaced with white ones, he also said I had a cavity that needed filling but I refused! I have had no problems since.
Meat, fish, vegetables, and dairy products are harmless but processed meats may contain sugar.
I'm going to get a Nutibullet or Nutri Ninja these super charged blenders mean you can have your proverbial cake and not have to eat it ! you can drink it instead !
I hope you find my reply useful we seem to have similar fears if you have any other concerns please let me know.:)