Hello, and welcome!
Getting wisdom teeth out is a wise thing to do. I'll tell you my story, because it happened way before I developed my current dental phobia, and it wasn't a bad experience at all.
I had all four of my wisdom teeth out when I was 15, under general anesthesia because they never erupted (and they never would; the dentist predicted that they would all become impacted eventually due to the size of my mouth and the angle at which they were growing).
The procedure was done at an oral surgeon's office. It was very simple. Once the IV was in, the surgeon asked me to count backwards from 100. When I got to 91 -- the lights went out. *click!* (Well, MY lights went out, at any rate.)
What seemed like seconds later, I had the sensation of 'coming up for air' from the bottom of a pool. Suddenly I 'surfaced' into wakefulness, with the nurse calling my name and telling me everything was finished. Unfortunately, this is where the most unpleasant and embarassing thing happened: I suddenly felt nauseous, and before I could even respond to the nurse, I threw up. Apparently, this is an occasional side effect of GA.

It was more embarassing than anything else, and it went away as quickly as it happened.
The aftermath: it was a fairly quick recovery, with some initial soreness and discomfort but I was able to return to class after about a day or so. This was in the 1980's, so they might do things differently now, but back then I didn't have to get any stitches. The tooth-holes remained open, and it was up to me to keep them clean. The oral surgeon sent me home with a pain med prescription and instructions on how to clean the 'pockets', and...that was that! I think within 3-4 weeks the tooth holes were healed up entirely.
So don't despair! Get those rascals removed, and you'll be glad you did.