Hi Vicky,
I've just read your post on the Dentistry Questions board as well, but thought I'd reply on here

. I don't actually have any experience with sedation at the dentists but I have had sedation in hospital a few times (same drugs and procedures etc) so hopefully I'll be able to answer some of your questions.
Firstly, from reading your other post, I get the impression that you're not 100% sure that you want the sedation and that the thought of having it could actually be scaring you more than having the teeth removed?
As a patient, you are also the customer (you're the one who's paying them after all!

) and you're in control. You don't have to do or have anything that you don't want to - it's your choice. If you think you could handle having the teeth removed without sedation, then unless your dentist says there's a specific reason why you have to be sedated, I'm sure it would be OK without it. Don't be afraid to ask your dentist about it - you're perfectly entitled to ask as many questions as you like about anything you don't understand or would like explaining. Also, remember that most people (those without a fear or phobia of the dentist) have teeth taken out without sedation anyway because there's no need for it (that is, unless there's some specific reason why they need to be sedated). Many people who
are scared of dentists/dental treatment also have teeth removed without sedation. You shouldn't feel anything because things will be numb from the local anaesthetic. It's your choice whether you choose to have the sedation or not.
I also have panic attacks so I do know where you're coming from - and they're also part of the reason why, although I'm completely terrified of going to the dentists as well, I couldn't cope with sedation in any form. Your worries aren't stupid at all, they're completely understandable

. If there is anything that scares you about the dental treatment itself, sedation isn't the only option - there are plenty of other things as well. Quite often, it can be as simple as finding a dentist you can trust who is patient and will take your fears and needs seriously. I don't know if you've seen it already, but there's a page about methods of dealing with dental fear/anxiety here:
What can you do to overcome dental phobia? Get information about psychological strategies, new technologies, and sedation.
About the sedation; there's also a page about the different types of sedation used here:
What sedation options are available for dental treatment? Which is the right one for me? Find out about oral, inhalation, and IV sedation.
You didn't say what type your dentist plans to use, but from what you've written I'd guess it's IV sedation? Hopefully that webpage should answer some of your questions. From my own personal experience of IV sedation, it does make me very dizzy - as if the room is spinning - and that's not something I enjoy either

. Everyone experiences it differently though. Some describe it as a sort of drunk feeling, while others say they're awake, but they feel 'out of it'. If you read some of the posts in the success stories section, quite a few people describe their experiences with sedation.
I hope this helps

. Feel free to post any questions or worries or whatever!