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Sensitive teeth/tooth

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Junior member
May 16, 2023
South east London
My upper right 6/7 are really sensitive my gum has receded around 6 and my dentist did mention putting a filling in the gum line to help that ( a few years ago but we never did due to some other things going on and seems to think this isn’t something that needs doing now)
The sensitivity has got worse so I saw my dentist a few weeks ago and he xrayed and did a whole Load of tests and says both teeth look fine (heavily filled) and there’s no need for any treatment but the sensitivity is just getting worse. cold aggravates, I can feel something all the time with those teeth although it doesn’t hurt to bite on them. I’ve currently got a cold and this has made it even worse along with one of my root filled front teeth. Taking paracetamol and ibruprofen helps along with a hot water bottle. I get very short relief using orajel so put some on before bed to hopefully give me some time to get to sleep. I also use sensitive toothpaste which I rub on the gum line.
I think my questions are is this unusual to have pain with no obvious cause? Should I see my gp to rule out ear/sinus issues? Can anxiety cause imaginary tooth pain, I am starting to think maybe I’m just making it up although I know I can feel it maybe I’m just going mad. I have ptsd and have a fear of the dental environment currently although my dentist is very kind. I take no medication other than painkillers when it gets to much and I don’t have any medical conditions. I know the obvious is to ask my own dentist but my anxiety is making me unable to think straight when I’m there and I’m currently just trying to fight complete avoidance so an extra visit is not easy for me.
Sensitivity to cold with recession is due to some root dentine being exposed, fillings aren't usually the best way to manage it for a few reasons.
Best thing is topical treatment. Start off with DIY treatment. Get hold of some sensitive tooth toothpaste, I like the Colgate one but most of them are similar. Last thing before bedtime, brush your teeth as normal, then apply a small smear of paste via a finger to the sensitive area. Then leave it there and go to bed. Do not rinse, do not eat, go straight to bed :) Do it for at least a week.

If that doesn't work then there are other topical treatments that the dentist has available that can be tried.
@Gordon thank you for the advice