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Should I still have pain

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Junior member
May 1, 2012
Hi All

I eventually built up the courage to go to the dental hospital due to having major tooth ache and ended up having my top first molar tooth removed. This was on Friday 27th but ive still got pain and swelling including a lump thats in my upper gum. Any ideas ? am i still healing and should i still have pain ?

Thanks in advance :)
Yes you are still healing, when I had an upper tooth out a few months ago I had a lump caused by swelling, how bad is the pain, do you need painkillers, and does it stop you from sleeping, is it really bad pain or less than what you had before.
Its not stopping me from sleeping but im still having to take pain killers for it, its less than it was on saturday but it doesnt seem to have got any better since. Thats why im starting to get concerned about it and its been a while since i had a tooth out.
You had the tooth out on Friday, it is still really early days, I had my lump for about 7 days and soreness, my jaw ached too, if the painkillers are managing the pain, that is a good sign. Are you doing the salt water rinses as well, some people don't need painkillers and others need them for a few days, you may find your other teeth near the extraction site may feel tender as well, this is all normal.
If you are really worried contact your dentist and they will put your mind at rest. I am not a dentist, I can only go by my own experience of having a few teeth out over the years.
I wish you well and hope you are pain free soon.

Well done for going and getting it seen to :grouphug:
Thanks Carole :)

Its only the 2nd time ive been in about 5 years but im hoping to start getting checked up regularly now as i know i need to go .... prevention is the way forward ( i keep repeating this to myself to try and make it sound better) Im still going with the salt rinses fingers crossed it dies down in a few days as im off on holiday (main reason for going as i didnt want tooth ache on holiday). Thanks for putting my mind at rest ill see how things go and get in touch with them if theres no improvement by friday.
It can be very frightening when you have had treatment and don't know what to expect. Hell it can be scary when you do know what to expect, you have done really well, when do you have to go back?

If we can be of further help just come on and someone will always be here to try and help, if not straight away, then as soon as. Carry on doing what you are doing, and you should be fine :)

All the best :clover:
I dont have to go back, which im happy about. More improvements today less pain and no need for that many painkillers so fingers crossed im on the mend at last.

Smiles all round :)
Sounds good to me, onward and upward :superman: Enjoy your holiday :cool: