• Dental Phobia Support

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SO anxious about tomorrow morning's procedure!!

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Junior member
Mar 28, 2016
Hi. It's the night before my wisdom teeth removal tomorrow. I have tried not to think about it much but thats impossible now. I'm freaking out. The oral surgeon I will be going to is great and he's on the NJ board of dentistry. I'm not worried about the pain as much as I'm worried about the actual procedure.
I only need the top two out and they are both erupted so he told me novocain and laughing gas would be the best bet.
I have an extreme fear of nausea and vomiting. Will the laughing gas make me feel ill? Thats what im anxious about the most.
Also, I have .5mg of xanax to take. Is that ok to take before the procedure or will that interact somehow with the laughing gas. Or I am thinking of taking a Zofran (anti nausea).
Thoughts, advice, etc would really help right now. Thanks!!!
just go, i just went my god, IM GLAD I DID