• Dental Phobia Support

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so scared i need help

  • Thread starter Thread starter UK_Teen
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I've never (thankfully) had any teeth out (yet!) but plenty of other people on here have so if you have a read of some of their posts, it may help you to feel a little less petrified :).

I have had IV sedation before (for procedures in hospital though - not for dental treatment but it's the same drugs). The drugs usually work within about 30 seconds of being injected. Everyone experiences it slightly differently but most describe it as a sort of drunk feeling. You'll probably feel really dizzy/spaced out shortly after the drugs go in and will probably want to close your eyes - just go with that feeling. The next thing you know, they'll be asking you to get up because it'll all be over :).

You shouldn't feel anything (except maybe some slight pressure etc - but you'll be too chilled out on drugs to care about it! ;D) as once you're sedated they'll inject local anaesthetic so things should be completely numb.

The best part of IV sedation for a lot of people is that it causes amnesia (memory loss) of the procedure - you might remember a few seconds here and there, but time flies by during sedation so it will seem like about 2 minutes.

You'll probably feel quite groggy/drowsy for a few hours afterwards - nothing that can't be sorted by spending a pleasant afternoon in bed sleeping it off ;D.

Once the effects of the local anaesthetic wear off, I'm guessing that things might be a bit sore/painful but that can be sorted with painkillers - make sure you (or whoever is taking you) ask them about this before you leave there.

Hope this helps :).
Well im definitly getting it done and im shitting it. I have even managed to book myself for yet another normal dentist appointment for cosmetic work and they have give me an appointment for the 4th of january ( im 18 on the 5th so they say if i get the first appointment before im 18 it still means i dont have to pay after i become 18)- im looking forward to getting abit of self confidence back, its totally destroyed me mentally and obviously physically
*edited coz i dont wanna be sued!* lol
Good luck on your visit tomorrow. Hope all goes well for you! 8-)

Well its 6:50am i am just getting ready to go to my doom- To start with i have had a constant throbbing headache all yesterday and still woken up with it! To say im scared is an understatement, i will let you know what goes on when i get home, fingers crossed for me people 8-)
Definitely keeping fingers crossed! Will be thinking of you. Good or bad, you are being so brave just to walk in that door.
8-) 8-) 8-)

Awww uk teen [smiley=hugging.gif] Sorry, I've only just read your posts and couldnt reply before your appointment.
Vicki has answered all your questions I think (she's good)
I have my extractions done with iv sedation.its the only way to go for me.......no pain, no memories!

Let us know how you got on

And WELL DONE for taking the first step [smiley=jumping.gif]
You'll probably be sleeping off the effects of the sedation as I'm typing this ;D I hope things went OK for you. Let us know how you got on when you've sobered up a bit from the drugs!!! [smiley=cloud9.gif] ;)

happydancyfeet said:
Vicki has answered all your questions I think  (she's good)

Thanks for the compliment :)  - although it's not really deserved as I still haven't got my toothpaste yet let alone faced up to my fears at the dentists (am going to try to get the toothpaste and hand the letter in on friday, fingers crossed). Most of what I type is probably waffle anyway! :P
Weyyy heyy people. All 4 teeth out no trouble,no hassle, just some sweet sweet drugs [smiley=evil.gif]

I cant beleive i have put this off for over 10 years- They put the tiniest needle u could imagine into a vein in my hand which i nearly run out from, but didnt even feel. I turned to talk to the dentist and the next thing i new i spun round and the sedation guy had pumped loads into my hand thing (which you cant feel, AT ALL) he done 2 syringes full of the stuff into me.

It did'nt make me dizzy,sick or anything- just gave me like a "buzz" in my head. I layed down in peace and said "man this stuff is cool where can i get more, but i dont think its doing the desired effect". Next thing i new i was in Asda carpark about to go shopping.

It was a blank from when they put the stuff in to that point....a felt normal as soon as i got out and i was fine with walking and everything, my nan said i kept calling the dentist back over to the car when we were leaving to say thankyou, thankyou, thankyou and all the way home i was apparently waffling on like normal talking about normal things (i cant remember doing this)- i feel tip top infact i feel better now than i did yesterday, my fever has gone my headache gone it feels so much better and the dental team ( the surgeon,2 nurses and a sedation man and x-ray man) were so friendly and undersdtanding and nice- I didnt feel a thing, i dont even remember seeing any needles go near my mouth, nothing.

The worst part about the experiance is the gorgous young nurses that i couldnt chat up, especially a certain one who kept smiling at me ;)

Now im getting ready for my cosmetic work to get crowns done and stuff like that!

No need to sober up i feel perfectly fine now

[smiley=jumping.gif] [smiley=jumping.gif] [smiley=jumping.gif] [smiley=jumping.gif] [smiley=jumping.gif] [smiley=jumping.gif]

UK_Teen said:
Now im getting ready for my cosmetic work to get crowns done and stuff like that!

Are you getting the cosmetic work done at the same place then? Bet you never thought you'd be looking forward to the next appointment did you?! :D
Well done you. Glad to hear that it all went fine for you. You may feel drowsy later on tho. I had three extracted a few months ago and came home feeling great. Then i felt drowsy and had a wee nap.. Came on the boards to post about my success to find that I had already posted lol. I couldnt remember doing it!

Congratulations and well done!!
I still haven't got my toothpaste yet let alone faced up to my fears at the dentists (am going to try to get the toothpaste and hand the letter in on friday,

Sorry vicky............ I havent caught up on all the posts lately. Which toothpaste are you referring too? I thought you had made the first step and actually made your first appointment?
Long long story lol! :p (See my thread "I made the appointment" on here).

I have to use Duraphat which is a high fluoride toothpaste which can only be bought from the dentists (:scared:).
The place im getting my cosmetic work done is a dentist i have registered with- Hopefully now i can bring myself to have a tiny numbing jab but i would rather be sedated again but they ar'nt taking on, what a bummer :( well atleast the nasty parts done and i loved it, i have just had dinner and i feel fine and dandy, even better than i did this morning.

My advice to people, this coming from someone that is petrified to unimaginable extent......dont be afraid of sedation, your fully awake but you dont know you are you just snap out of it a little while after its done and you think you have been asleep coz you dont remember, its a gift from god i reccomend it 110% and compassionate surgeons are a big help, they were just top class the best of the best
;D ;D ;D

Well, reading that, anyone would think you were happy!! :P

Well done 8-)
I have to use Duraphat which is a high fluoride toothpaste which can only be bought from the dentists ().

Ah ok. I understand. I used to walk miles out of my way rather than walk past the dental surgery.......let alone go in there!!!
Im still not sure Ill make it into this surgery tomorrow...... even tho I've had extractions done recently [smiley=ashamed.gif]
Yer go, its all worth it in the end. I cant beleive i talking like this now to how i used to be just yesterday, its a mericle. The worst part is waiting around for ya name to be called out, the anticipation. I am most DEFINITLY a happy camper... minus 4 teeth! lol

Also what helped me is that the nurses kept it casual and behind me they were drinking cups of tea and had the radio on which i found extremelly homely and conforting, i just cant thank them enough. [smiley=grouphug.gif]
I have to drive past the end of the road where the dental surgery is every night on my way home from work - and it really gives me the creeps [smiley=frightened.gif]. To make matters worse, there's also a dental surgery at the bottom of the road where I live!

I'm just so glad I found the website and the board (both old and new ;)) - I felt like such a freak (still do to some extent but at least I know I'm not the only one who's terrified :)). This will be the first time I've ever gone in there apart from an appointment. I can't bring myself to go in there unless I absolutely have to because even being in the building scares me, so I stock up on the toothpaste at appointments or get other people to get it for me. I don't know if I'll make it on friday
[smiley=frightened.gif] :'( I can't believe I'm so scared.

You'll be OK for tomorrow [smiley=grouphug.gif] - if you can get through extractions, you must be strong enough to deal with anything :D
I CAN believe how scared you are vicky cos im the same.I think maybe if my appointments were closer together (its been four months since the last extractions) I wouldnt get so anxious in between [smiley=confused.gif] I was on such a high before but the longer i've waited, the worse i have got again. Hopefully the magic pill will take effect later.otherwise, I'll be on here all night!!!
I know what you mean about the gap between appointments. After avoiding the dentist for about 7 years, I finally made an appointment (about 3 years ago now). Because of the problems with my teeth (acid reflux which is dissolving them away basically), up until recently, I had to go every 2 or 3 months rather than every 6 so they could make sure things hadn't changed too much. This felt like way too often for my liking so I asked if I could go every six months like everyone else and he said no (he knew the reason I was asking was that I'm terrified).

Anyway, my last dentist left and so at the second appointment with the new one, I asked again (didn't explain why) and managed to get 6 monthly appointments. The irony is that actually, for some reason, I'm more stressed now than when I had to go every 3 months :-/ [smiley=frightened.gif]

Hope your magic pill is 'magic' for you [smiley=grouphug.gif], if it's worked before, I'm sure it'll work again :). I don't take sedatives myself (it's never been offered - they obviously like watching me squirm ;D I think I'd be too scared to be doped though!) but I do take beta blockers which my GP prescribes for panic/anxiety anyway - doesn't do much good though because if my body is determined that my heart rate and blood pressure will go through the roof, then the drugs aren't always a lot of use [smiley=confused.gif]
Happy-I know exactly what you mean...the longer between appointments, the worse you panic. After I had my last extraction I had too see the dentst every week for a check up & I wasn't that nervous. But the last time I saw him, he said he wanted to let me heal before working on another tooth, so they mad my appointment for 1 month. One month is next week and the closer I get, the more I panic. [smiley=scared.gif]

You go to the appointments and think ok I'm finally over my fears, than as the next appointment approaches the fears start up all over again [smiley=confused.gif]

This site really helps. You find out that you are not the crazy person you feel like. [smiley=jumping.gif]