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sore gum a month after extraction

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Well-known member
Jan 14, 2016
I am still having some soreness on the right side of my gum after a molar was extracted, it only hurts when i touch it and i feel a strange quick zapping sometimes (esp. after i touch it), what could this be from? could it be bone under my gum, inflammation or something else? i am using saline rinses and was wondering if i tried manuka honey would help? my gum looks a bit weird like there is some missing but guess the holes still are healing so it will look strange? It's not throbbing and no pus.
It's most likely a sharpish edge of bone that's cutting into the gum slightly as it closes over. It'll sort itself out.

No point to the Manuka, it's nice on your porridge in the morning though if you like that kind of thing.