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Still Cant Get My Head Around The Needles. Someone Is Being Dishonest Here

  • Thread starter Thread starter MagicDuck12
  • Start date Start date


Jul 27, 2024
West Midlands
Hi Everyone

Huge dental phobic, huge needle phobic as youve gathered from my umpteen posts.

Ive not had to endure a dental injection in ages and ive kind of "forgotten" what theyre like, except i know theyre horrible, as ive been left in a great deal of pain on at least 3 occasions from them.

I really really dont know how i am going to get through this for my upcoming September appointments, and I feel like there is a lot of dishonesty going on if im honest.

1) I hear people say that there is a brief pain for a few seconds and then you youre going numb and dont feel anything - This doesnt tally with my own experience, nor the countless youtube clips ive seen where people start to moan or show discomfort on their face way past the first few seconds....so someone is lying here. Case in point:

In this clip, the injection on the child STARTS at 5 seconds. If what youre saying is true, why does she start to show discomfort at around SIXTEEN seconds, by which time the initial sting should be over. And her discomfort VISIBLY lasts for AT LEAST 10 seconds. Shes way braver than me, but this is just one example, so someone is CLEARLY lying about this. The pain is not

  • an initial sting and then nothing
  • over in a few seconds
And this tallies with my feeling that I had, when the feeling of being "electrocuted" (and it really WAS exceedingly painful) came right at the end of the injection.

A very long clip, firstly of a man getting root canal, and second clip of a woman getting teeth whitening.

If the shots were genuinely "nothing" why do the dentists talk to both people, the first one the patient doesnt want more numbing he says "if you must"....indicating he didnt enjoy the needle at all, and the second one the dentist THEMSELF says "thats the horrible part".....why would anyone say that if it WASNT horrible? because it IS....again....people here are lying, they must be, because the dentist THEMSELF confirms to their own patient that the injection SUCKS.

3) The guidelines on THIS website suggest a painless injection at the rate youd need to go for it to be painless is around 2 minutes. None of the injections online last two minutes, theyre all faster. So they must be exposed to more pain than necessary.

I dont understand why people who are "alledgedly" phobics are so keen to point out their injections do not hurt, when ive got stacks and stacks of evidence, including my REAL LIFE experience, that says they do.

I feel there is a definite "my dads bigger than your dad" going on here, where people are hiding their real feelings about injections and LYING about them.

Anyway, i have dentist in early September and im really, really suffering already.

Can anyone help me out of needle phobia? anyone at all?????

Thank You
Sorry if i shouldnt have added the videos. I do feel like theres a bit of a dishonesty going on and would love some honest feedback
I was avoiding dentists for years due to partial worry about the needle, pain and the heart beat flutter that would scare me. I had to get it out of the way though with a root canal. You said you were suffering- i'm assuming you have pain. I was starting to get pain and didn't want to continue with it. So the trade off was worth it. I can assure you from my experience, i did not feel the needle, nor anything except my area getting numbed. I did have for about 5 minutes some heart pounding which kind of scared me but it did go away. Perhaps the girl you shared in the video was having something similar? Or not. She did seem calm though soon after.
@charlesvalley shes obviously in pain and is hiding it. Her pain goes on a lot longer than a couple of seconds as well. And her pain doesnt start when the needle goes in.

Those are my points, and this is what my LIVED experience has told me. What I remember, and what i see in these clips simply does not tally with what a lot of people (i think lazily to be honest) says on forums. Why would a dentist THEMSELF describe their patients injection as "horrible" like in the 2nd clip, if the patient says they dont feel anything? makes no sense.

I remember one injection in particular where after having a needle in my mouth for about a minute, right at the VERY END i got an UNBELIEVEABLE shock of pain, i mean so severe i yelped and sat up, ive never ever felt anything like the jolt that went through my jaw.

So my issue is, I dont understand why people claim they "feel nothing" when every evidence points to the fact that they arent telling the truth.

Im in no physical pain at all at the moment, but knowing ill be injected in a couple of weeks time....it makes me feel physically sick. Im certain ill get hurt. Even if its 5 seconds, itll be 5 seconds of wasp stings in my mouth. But it wont be 5 seconds, it never is. itll be a long, drawn out, horrible process that will hurt, and it makes me question whether i even want to go through with it.

But if i dont, the phobia wins.

But but not letting the phobia win, its never helped. My phobia has never improved ever, no matter how many dental visits i make.

So im well and truly stuck
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Everyone experiences pain differently so one person's level of pain with an injection is different to anothers. Also depending on the dentist delivering it.

I have never had an injection be 100% painless. But I have had different levels of pain from them. Also depending where in the mouth the injection is. Some areas hurt more than others.

Root canal injections are more painful because they do the palatial side with an injection aswell and that hurts. However, the pain really is short lived, if it's hurting after they have finished the injection then have they hit a nerve? Iv never had pain continue after the injection.

When a dentist says this is the worst bit, that's because once you're numbed it should not hurt.

To suggest people here are lying because they've told you THEIR experience isn't fair.
@MumOfBoys1985 now we are getting somewhere. This is a much more reflectful considered post.

So the worst injections I've had which have been for lower molars, this is LIKELY due to the location?

So if you know you're likely to get a dodgy injection in a dodgy part of your mouth maybe getting sedation for that is a strategy?

I don't know why as well my lived experience is that the sting is a) not 2 seconds long and b) likely to come at the end of the injection or at least definitely not at the beginning.

If it comes to hitting nerves why am I anymore likely to not have nerves hit again? It's happened before so could easily happen again.

I should have stopped taking these injections ages ago and got something more sophisticated like that wand thing but it's nice to see someone at least knowledge it does hurt
I'm terrified by both needles and sounds,so I cannot get over the anxiety of fillings until both the injection part and the drill part is over. Until then,I just wring my hands and hold back tears.
@kaciee the thing is though we shouldn’t have to go
Through that . I think dentist need massive improvements and actually cater for people’s needs . So if you can’t go through all that then you should be referred to a special care dentist etc but if you are someone who can deal with it the that’s fine. If dentist want people to look after their teeth and go too see a dentist I think they should be more considerate. Not a chance I’m ever going back to mainstream dentist. I’m under a special care team now and even though I’m still scared I have the option of if I want sedation or GA plus they don’t ask me why I can’t have adrenaline in a local anaesthetic!
@Natzuk it's an amazingly simple but such accurate thing. There should be more catering for need. Some people don't have any needs and that's fine but I don't think dentists have any clue the stress and pain an appointment with them can induce and that perpetuates the cycle of people not going to see them.

People are sensible enough to realise oral health matters but that alone cannot get them through these appointments.
@Natzuk You bring up a very interesting point! My circumstances of life bring up an issue with finding another dentist though - my dad is a dentist. I'm not sure that he would go for me requesting to see another dentist. I would also be too worried about hurting his feelings.

One would think that somebody would have come up with a better way to take care of cavities by now that didn't require a drill. There are a lot of sounds in the world that bother me,but I'm 100% convinced that the worst sound in the world is the sound of a dental drill.
@kaciee surely someone clever can come up with a way you'd think?

If they can't, why can't someone just design a drill that makes a different noise? Or less noise? It surely can't be impossible?
@MagicDuck12 I bet they could if they tried. It's almost like a game to them to use something that makes the most menacing sound in the world.

No,I'm just kidding. I don't think that's the case.
@MagicDuck12 yeah but they will use the same script of MONEY LOL , hence why they are trying to make all dentists go private ! As an autistic person let me tell you now they do not cater for people with sensory issues or who literally cry or go mute when they are in the dental chair , the panic attacks that happen plus the fact they use adrenaline is beyond me especially if you have panic attacks or a fast heart rate my daughter actually fainted after she had it now she’s traumatised and the dentist said oh it happens to a lot of patients !! EXCUSE ME ? That’s normal? No sorry! Having to finger for your needs is mentally exhausting and my daughter will be coming to my next appointment with me at the special care dentist as she sees how upset I am every day with my teeth as she wants to see if I would be allowed to have a full mouth of dentures as I like my partial denture . It fits perfectly in my mouth and no fear of infection or anything!!! I bit down on a date before and forgot I left the stone on but luckily it was on my dentures lol .

I don’t have the light on anymore when I brush my teeth as so fed up . Plus I can not keep going through having to have fillings done all the time I mean in the end they will eventually need pulling ( as dentist say ) so what’s the point in having them in then ? Money plus dentist would be out of a job if they just pulled your teeth all the time .

I have the best care under the special care team but im
Still so scared because I have to have my mouth touched and prodded etc I can’t handle it . Hate it . I actually put my hand near there’s to stop them because I get worried 😦. I don’t know . Mine is more than fear it’s PTSD through the crappy job of a dentist who did poor fillings and a dentist who told me to bring a pillow they can’t sort out a different chair as I have a curved spine so I can’t lie flat . I literally ran out crying as her and her assistant looked me up and down and laughed when I tried to explain I need a different chair. Oh and t he special care team have older assistants because every time I’ve been to mainstream dentist and there assistants are young I shake and dread it ! I hated that
@kaciee whilst they aren't TRYING to make it horrific of course....

I mean surely anyone with half a brain understands that ESPECIALLY for a phobic an extremely high pitched loudly whirring rapidly vibrating device doesn't tally with most people's idea of a "pain free comfortable experience".

It's like when you go to a dentist you have to have a talent to turn off ALL your senses to not be freaked out.

The awful sounds, the sights of sharp tools and wires everywhere, the hideous smell, you've got to somehow turn all of those off as you walk in the door despite being conscious and right in the middle of all of it.
I'm not saying that some dentists are sadists,but it would possibly make for interesting results if we tested all dentists for a sadistic trait.

At least people would know who to avoid...
@Natzuk wow Natzuk that's brutal to have to go through that is just so utterly heartbreaking.

I struggle a lot mentally. I struggle with the act of being there and the sensory overload it induces which reduces me to panic attacks and paralysis as I lie back.

I also suffer with the pointlessness of it all. Or so it feels to me. It's like.... What's even the point? I have to keep coming back to you over and over. The only thing you're ever going to do for me is keep injecting my face full of stinging whatever and drill me all over. Forever. Your drilling will fail and then I'll need an even bigger surgery. Then an even bigger one on top of that. Until eventually you just decide we will lose the tooth. Happy days.

So why bother then?? When I had my cruciate ligament repaired in my knee it was repaired. I don't expect the surgeon to sew hamstring muscle into my knee, every six months, forever, until I'm dead.

That's why my phobia never lifts. So what if I have a good check up and you say "see you in 6 months".... That's the whole point....you've given me another 6 months prison sentence because what happens when you tell me in 6 months I need a filling? It just starts all over again this pointless treadmill of anxiety.

And that's the BEST case scenario...if nothings wrong.

If you want me to be free tell me "you're fixed. Don't come back. Enjoy life".

Instead you're kept dangling on a piece of rope forever being a checkup away from being thrown into more surgeries you can't stand.
@MagicDuck12 which is why I can’t tolerate the dentist. No smells or anything in the special care ones , less lights , it’s just very different also no waiting around and no patients they just do one at a set time so when you get there it’s just you which for me helps a lot . Plus I’m allowed to
Cry and not be looked at like I’m stupid . I actually wonder why a lot of people in medical stuff do the job they do because I know half of them shouldn’t be . I’ve had bad doctors and bad nurses and treatment at hospital scares me so much . The only person in a hospital I trust is the person who puts you asleep ( forgot there names ) they will tell you the truth lol 😝 !
@MagicDuck12 absolutely agree . It’s actually torture waiting for the next filling to fall out and be refilled then to be told it needs too be taken out !! I’m 42 now I actually don’t care I’ve lived with this my whole
Life . I never smile as one of my teeth sticks out at the front always was bullied . I’d be better off with full dentures . Yeah the sensory side is a lot taking in all the smells , the tools , the people who are there having to put them stupid glasses on lol and the X-rays that stretch your whole mouth 🤢🤢. My appointment is in October and I’m scared as I need a tooth out. I have no trust in people really bothers me .
Hopefully they agree to me having the teeth out under a general anaesthetic as I only have about 15 or so teeth left.
@Natzuk I imagine some can't be bothered anymore. When you have a desk job there are days where you're not really putting your heart and soul into it.

If your work life consists of cleaning people's teeth, injecting them and drilling them I can imagine you probably get pretty bored.

Then someone comes to you with a phobia and explains this and they're probably just thinking yeah yeah yadda yadda that old chestnut .... Lie back and take you're drilling nobhead.

It's not the same for everyone but it must be for some. Some have got zero empathy. Some probably just think they don't want to deal with an "awkward" person.