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Still Have Soreness 3 Weeks After Wisdom Tooth Removal... Normal?

  • Thread starter Thread starter brittanymaria423
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Junior member
Dec 29, 2017

I had my two lower wisdom teeth removed almost 3 weeks ago now. I was in a lot of pain during the first week and then it went away and I felt normal.

Now in the third week, the one socket has been really sore - like a constant deep aching - and I am not sure what is going on. I last saw my oral surgeon last week for a follow-up and he said everything was healing well with no infection.

Is this normal to feel soreness 3 weeks after? Is it just part of the healing?

I had my two lower wisdom teeth removed almost 3 weeks ago now. I was in a lot of pain during the first week and then it went away and I felt normal.

Now in the third week, the one socket has been really sore - like a constant deep aching - and I am not sure what is going on. I last saw my oral surgeon last week for a follow-up and he said everything was healing well with no infection.

Is this normal to feel soreness 3 weeks after? Is it just part of the healing?

I'm on day 15 and it's been pretty brutal. It peaked at day 10 or 11 though.

I still can't eat anything at all on left side and it's super sore (at times).

I'd say it's decently normal for adults with more complicated molar extractions to have significantly longer recovery.times .

Have you watched any impacted wisdom teeth extraction on YouTube? If you watch what they do to you you will definitely under stand better why you are still hurting!
Have you watched any impacted wisdom teeth extraction on YouTube? If you watch what they do to you you will definitely under stand better why you are still hurting!

Researching online can be very tempting, especially when having insecurities about procedures, but maybe it would be better NOT to watch any surgery videos on YouTube, it certainly could steal any piece of hope and peace of mind. I have never meet anyone who would get calmer or happier after seeing procedures on YouTube so better watching a comedy or a favorite movie to produce some endorphins and speed up the recovery:)

All the best wishes for you, brittanymaria423, may you recover very soon. Good to hear that your surgeon confirmed that you are doing well.
Thanks so much for the reassurance! It's now been 23 days since my extractions and I have been feeling good as new for the past couple of days. My mouth feels healthy and normal and I have no pain or soreness anymore. :)
I had a molar removed 8 days ago after having the tooth next to it removed the week before that. I have never experienced such intense pain as I have from the second extraction! I went back to my dentist and he put clove oil and even though he said I did not have dry socket! It helped tremendously but I am still having some intermittent throbbing. I also find that the only thing that helps is Motrin. None of the stronger medicines help. And my dentist never mentioned to me that a very large molar that is difficult to pull would take a lot longer to heal! He actually suggested that I come in and let him open up the extraction site again! Like that's ever going to happen, no way! I am so disgusted with this whole situation!