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Super freaked out! (Methadone and the Dentist)

  • Thread starter Thread starter WildHammer
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Junior member
Feb 10, 2011
Boy I'm glad I've found this forum so I can ask my questions someplace they might be answered, lol.

Okay first let me explain a bit about myself then I'll get to my problem. I'm 22 years old and I have not been to a dentist since I was probably 8. I am currently on 80mg of Methadone(For chronic back pain) a day right now and this leads me to my problem. About 2 weeks ago I woke up with extreme pain in one of my top molars. I was too scared to goto dentist so I decided I would just soldier through the pain. It finally went away after about 2 days of pure hell and I thought all was well until now. The pain has come back and nothing I've tried has been able to stop it so I realize now the time has come to goto the dentist and try to put my fears to the side.

I'm pretty certain based on what I've read and also because I have no health insurance that the dentist will probably just pull the tooth which is fine, but that leads me to the big issue I have now.
I have heard so many rumors about methadone and dentistry that I'm super freaked out about going. I've heard that the dentist will not be able to do anything for my pain because of the way methadone works to block receptors combined with the high tolerance to pain killers it provides.

I am just really worried because I'm already a scaredy cat when it comes to the dentist and this has got me even more freaked out. I know I HAVE to go though because this pain isn't going away.

So I really hope someone here can provide me with some assistance and let me know if this is something I really should be concerned about or not. Basically I just want to have this tooth pulled with the least amount of pain possible.

Thanks in advance!
I'm not a dentist and I'm sure one of the dentists here will adivse you... but my brother-in-law was on methadone and he was able to get quite a bit of dental work done without any problems.
I don't see a problem . Why not ask the methodone doc to temporarily up your dose and add something like advil or even better, Torodol which is called keotlorac till your over the procedure? I took both advil and torodol and it helped me a lot. I know dental pain believe me lol
I don't see a problem . Why not ask the methodone doc to temporarily up your dose and add something like advil or even better, Torodol which is called keotlorac till your over the procedure? I took both advil and torodol and it helped me a lot. I know dental pain believe me lol

That's not going to be possible. I won't be seeing my doctor for 2 weeks and I have to goto the dentist... well sooner than that, lol.

And thanks ButterfliesInHerEyes, that's somewhat comforting then.
You're welcome... I spoke with my brother in law and he said he was put on Vicodin for pain because its effectiveness isn't affected by Methadone. He said the Vicodin worked really well for him and kept him quite comfortable. So maybe you can ask your doctor or dentist if this might be an option for you.
You're welcome... I spoke with my brother in law and he said he was put on Vicodin for pain because its effectiveness isn't affected by Methadone. He said the Vicodin worked really well for him and kept him quite comfortable. So maybe you can ask your doctor or dentist if this might be an option for you.

Awesome thanks so much again. I'll be going to the dentist tomorrow(Monday) for the first time in so long so I hope this goes well. I've read so many comforting stories on these forums that have helped a lot too so I'm not TOO nervous, lol.
Good luck! Let us know how it goes.