• Dental Phobia Support

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Sympathetic/phobic friendly dentist wanted in Cardiff area-HELP!

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Junior member
May 2, 2012
Hi all,
Joined the forum today and a great relief to know i'm not alone! Haven't been to the drill demons since 1991, had a dreadful experience (and i mean REALLY BAD) and the dentist himself was a rude and utter *******.
Anyway to cut a long story short it's getting to the stage where i have to bite (wish i could!) the bullet and get the few teeth, i've got left sorted, in reality i reckon i'll need dentures.

I'm currently out of work and trying to set up in business as a photographer (been takings pics since i was 8!) so can any of you guys help? I'm looking for a decent/sympathetic NHS dentist in the Cardiff area who can sort me out.

Any help would be appreciated, thank you! :)
Hi :)

We have the following section on the forum which you could try:

The following page from our website also has some info and tips for finding the right dentist for you...

Best of luck - let us know how you get on :thumbsup:.
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Thanks Vicki,

Made the move and took the plunge last week!!! :giggle:
Dear Lensman

I am also looking for a sympathetic phobic-friendly dentist in Cardiff and have had little success. I am sure that they are 'out there' somewhere. I too am a (very amateur) photographer so perhaps we'll both end up toothless! I am pretty sure that my gums would be condemned. I haven't been within sniffing distance of a dentist for years and can get quite neurotic even thinking about it, although not really sure why. I am 61 and recall with horror the early days of dentistry - possibly why I am so scared, even though I know it's nothing like that today. What say we keep in touch and let each other know if we ever find anyon? Incidentally, I went to Chandi - she was a very nice lady but was more interested in counselling me (which she did for some time) than actually treating me. At that time she didn't have a practice and so couldn't help. Maybe things have changed.

Cheers, Karen
Hi Karen, there's a new suggestion in the Dentist Recommendations section for Cardiff here on the forum - a guy called Steve Woolley who has lots of experience helping anxious patients (he also does teaching in this field at Cardiff Uni). He seems like a lovely guy.

He doesn't currently offer sedation at the practice where he's working (if that's what you're after) though he's planning to offer this option in the future.