• Dental Phobia Support

    Welcome! This is an online support group for anyone who is has a severe fear of the dentist or dental treatment. Please note that this is NOT a general dental problems or health anxiety forum! You can find a list of them here.

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Terrified, embarrassed, and concerned



Junior member
Jun 20, 2016
I retired from the military 10 years ago and one of the greatest realizations I had was knowing that I no longer HAD to go to the dentist. I managed to go to two appointments over the next two years, and that has been it. I thought, as long as I brush and use dental pics it won't be a problem. The fact that I was a smoker at the time did not register with me, although I knew this was also causing a problem. I quite smoking four years ago and noticed almost immediately that my gums tended to bleed a bit more - not all the time but it was noticeable. Thankfully that went away although it never really went away permanently - it would swell in an area or two from time to time but again it would subside. 2.5 years ago I went on a huge health kick and got real fit, dropping 95lbs and feeling fantastic. But around that time I also noticed that my gums work get sore and read around the base of the teeth on the top. Around a year ago, I bit into a meatball that had a hard substance in it and chipped a back molar that had been filled. The front portion of the tooth broke away, it felt very odd for a day or two but that subsided in time - although I thought that my tongue now fit between two of my teeth. This past month, my last molar on the top at the back (wisdom tooth was removed - but I still have three others) started to get sore and red at the base. The gum is now inflamed and I am taking 400 mg Advil to get rid of the pain from the toothache that is pretty much constant. It is affecting my sleep at night, I have to be careful what I eat and where in my mouth I eat. I have not been without mouth discomfort of some description for the past 4 years really. I know I have to go to the dentist and have this looked at. The tooth seems to move a bit when I press it hard with my tongue. I honestly don't know what to do. What do I tell a dentist? Is there something I should ask the dentist about going for an appointment? I am afraid that I am as much filled with fear as I am with embarrassment and I know I have to go, but not sure what to do. I have not told this to ANYONE - even my wife. Worried as hell, but I have taken to going this group that hopefully someone can advise me what and how I should go about what I know I need to do. Thank you for your advice.
yes tell the dentist...i had one that broke away like that due to severe terror of the dentist I left it...after 7 yrs it started doing that and i ended up at an emergency dental appointment. I was embarassed and felt disgusting. Which I shouldn't have been they see it a lot from all walks of life. You def need to get that one seen asap. You prob want to swish with salt water for now and even if it stops feeling so moveable you need to tell them about that.

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