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Terrified!!! Need to talk to other people who have undergone oral sedation!

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Junior member
Jan 25, 2014
Ontario Canada
Hey peoples.

《------ newbie. My name is Sheena, im from Ontario Canada and I just went to the dentist for the first time in almost 20 years. I was having severe pain on the left side of my face and suddenly became quite ill. Turns out that I had an infected tooth, and the infection not only spread into my jaw, but also my blood stream. I was put on some heavy duty antibiotics and kept in hospital over night and given an emergency dental appointment. The dentist did xrays and also discovered that there is a section of my jaw on the lower left that is slowly starti g to decay. Long story short, after his exam, he discovered that I need 6 teeth extracted (wisdom teeth on bottom and molars). Plus some fillings. My
Appointment is booked for Monday morning and im so scared!!! And this is coming from a girl who has 4 children and got through 3 c-sections without batting an eye lash! Lol. The dentist has suggested oral sedation for me and im definitely going to move forward with it, but want to hear from others what their experience s have been with oral sedation. Good or bad. I just want an idea of what to expect. Any replies would be greatly appreciated! ♡♡
Re: Terrified!!! Need to talk to other people who have undergone oral sedation!

I had the same problem. I hadn't been to a dentist since I was 17 and I am now 46. The first time I went to the dentist he recommended a root canal. I thought he had lost his mind. But like you I needed it done badly and he suggested oral conscious sedation. I figured it would never work. D day came and he hooked me up. I kept telling him to wait until it worked because it wasn't working. Then we both figured it was working because I tolfd him and his assistant that I loved them. He laughed turned up my music and started working. It is fantastic stuff. You are awake the whole time but really relaxed. It helps you take the edge off. I am in Ontario as well. I like you have had 2 c sections any that was a breeze for me compared to what the dentist is for me. Sedation does really help.

Hey peoples.

《------ newbie. My name is Sheena, im from Ontario Canada and I just went to the dentist for the first time in almost 20 years. I was having severe pain on the left side of my face and suddenly became quite ill. Turns out that I had an infected tooth, and the infection not only spread into my jaw, but also my blood stream. I was put on some heavy duty antibiotics and kept in hospital over night and given an emergency dental appointment. The dentist did xrays and also discovered that there is a section of my jaw on the lower left that is slowly starti g to decay. Long story short, after his exam, he discovered that I need 6 teeth extracted (wisdom teeth on bottom and molars). Plus some fillings. My 9
Appointment is booked for Monday morning and im so scared!!! And this is coming from a girl who has 4 children and got through 3 c-sections without batting an eye lash! Lol. The dentist has suggested oral sedation for me and im definitely going to move forward with it, but want to hear from others what their experience s have been with oral sedation. Good or bad. I just want an idea of what to expect. Any replies would be greatly appreciated! ♡♡