• Dental Phobia Support

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The end of the beginning... lol

  • Thread starter Thread starter ReallyScared
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Well-known member
Jan 2, 2008
Well, as some of you know, I have come to the end of the first part of my dental journey. I couldn't have done it without everyone on here :grouphug:

I had my final extractions and immediate dentures last Tuesday, and as I sit here now, with my beautiful gleaming teeth, it's hard to believe that just a few months ago I was making my first post, a crying, shaking, nervous wreck of a woman who burst into tears at just the thought of emailing a dentist! And while I am still a long way from cured of my phobia, in hindsight I can see the positive steps I have made and the very long way I have come. So, I'm at the end of the beginning... my next step will start in about 9 months or so, when I go back to get my perms made and fitted.

To all of you out there, who are like I was such a short time ago, take heart from this. I never dreamed I would be posting in this section, but I am. The people on here are truly wonderful, make use of your "dental family" because they will give you the strength you need to make it through to the other side [smiley=jumping.gif]

Thanks to everyone here, I'm now on the other side... you are all wonderful people!! :grouphug:
Well done! I suppose nobody who is writing their first post to Support actually believes to get to this side. I remember, that less than a month ago I didn't. I had some kind of thought in my head that I may, but I didn't know how it could be possible. I think I trusted God enough to believe all will be well in the end, but from the dental anxiety perspective it still felt unlikely in some part of me... And finally my op was a lot more of a success than I could have thought!

ReallyScared told all phobics who are reading this, really good stuff. I'd like to add: We who actually made it to this side, aren't another sort of phobics than you who read this for encouragement. We aren't super people, we are just like all of you. This is possible for EVERYONE who takes the first step and posts here.
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Well said the pair of you. We're just normal people who were terrified but knew we had to go into that tunnel to come out the other side back into the light. I too was one of those people who never thought I could do it and quite honestly, 10 months on, still can't quite believe it. So, to all you people just starting out or at the point of realising you can't go any longer without visiting a dentist, either because of pain, or because teeth are starting to fall out and vanity takes over, no matter what level of fear you are experience, it can be done.