• Dental Phobia Support

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The London hospital (whitechaple) east end of london

  • Thread starter Thread starter elfie
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Junior member
Jan 11, 2007
i have a terrible gag reflex and im a nervous patient. if i have to have treatment im in and out the loo, want to be be sick ect.
and ive got to have lots of work done.
so my dentist referred me to the sedation clinic in whitechaple. (london hospital dental uni)
you get seen by top year students. with the constant supervision of senior dentist. is professors/lecturers. so 100% and if anything did go wrong theres the main hospital a few yrds away.
and i can honestly say the last time i was visiting i was really nervous. but they put me at my ease. what chatting away to me (about clothes shopping my favorite lol)
i had nitros oxide. which is the best stuff since sliced bread. 2 small jabs in my mouth. and 2 teeth taken out. no problems at all. didnt feel a thing.
so if u live in the london or essex area ask your dentist to refer u to there.there is a wait, obiously ,im due back next month for the moulds to be done. but im hoping that i can have my new teeth pretty soon.
ok having no top teeth is a pain with eating. but the bonus side is im losing a bit of weight.
but recommend them 100%
ive just finished my treatment with them, and im so happy with the treatment i got from them :)