Invisalign! Well I did go and see a board certified ortho who is a premiere provider for Invisalign today. I figured I would either feel better about my decision to have braces placed this week, or rethink the idea. But I had done my research and had specific questions to ask.
First off the ortho was very nice and expressed admiration at the position I held at my job. Off to a good start. We chatted a bit and I was very clear that I had braces planned, but wanted to see if I was a candidate for Invisalign. He looked at my teeth and jaws. At first he told it would be complicated, but he did not rule it out. Said "Let me think on how I would do this".
As he sat contemplating I started to ask what positions my teeth would move in to with Invisalign to correct my bite. His plan (if he chose to accept the challenge) was to move my top teeth up, my bottom teeth down, and let the molars extrude.
This is where I got nervous. I explained that I wanted my molars to be in a correct position as well as my front teeth, as my bite was my main concern. I thought my bottom teeth including the back teeth would needed to be moved forward, and the top arch teeth back. Yes?
Then he said it would be very hard to do this, even with traditional braces. This kind of surprised me as my original ortho acted as it was a piece of cake and he had done this a million times before. I actually felt like my questions were making this gentleman uncomfortable. I mean I have a deep bite, and missing teeth. The teeth are not rotated, my upper and lower jaw are in proportion, and I don't have crowding. Original ortho said I will not even need head gear and only will need to wear retainers at night. Is my bite much more complicated then I know?
He did tell me if he did traditional braces for me he could tie my flipper in at two months, not the seven my ortho said, as this ortho would change from a round wire to a square one much quicker. But the more we talked the more we both could see this relationship was not meant to be. I really don't think I want an orthodontist who thinks my case is too hard because that does not instill confidence. I also sensed he felt I had a clear idea of what I wanted and would be a PITA patient. Still I think he respected me, and he waived his consultation charge. I think that was very nice of him.
Also- the receptionist told me she had worked for my original ortho and he was outstanding. Kind of a big statement when you are working for another ortho.
I feel much more settled in my decision in choosing my original ortho and feel committed to the process now. I do not think I would get the results I want with Invisalign at least in my neck of the woods.I am more concerned with the function and health of my teeth, then appearance. I want them to look nice, but they need to work better too.
Hilarious! How funny is this? So I was talking to my co-worker about my consult and she asked me why I was getting braces because my teeth are so nice. I just about spit my coffee out onto my keyboard. Ummm...sweetie.......remember I got these teeth out I asked as I tapped on my flipper. She forgot.