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TMJ disfunction



Junior member
Jun 22, 2007
I've got to have a plate fitted inside my mouth soon.

Can anyoone tell me what this involves and will it hurt?

If you're referring to an occlusal splint or TMJ splint, it's a pretty easy process.  Usually alginate impressions are taken in trays that fit over the teeth.  The alginate is like a powder that you mix with water to form a pudding which sets up in a couple of minutes into a rubbery mold of the teeth kind of like slightly flexible bubble gum.  Just tell the person taking the impression if any part of the tray impinges on the gums.

A bite registration is taken with another self setting material that oddly enough is like bubble gum as well.  Dentists like bubble gum apparently.

The laboratory makes a plastic splint that the dentist fits in at the next appointment.  Some grinding of the plastic may be involved to get it to fit in to place and into the bite properly.
I would like to add that you will probably have a few appointments to make sure the bite is exact. The purpose of the splint is to take pressure off of the Temporal Mandibular Joints. The dentist will check the bite to make sure that you are biting correctly on the splint, therefore avoiding any stess to the joints. None of this is uncomfortable. In fact once the splint is fitted, you should notice a great improvement in your jaw discomfort. (Note: I am not a dentist, but I suffered severe TMJ for years ;))