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TMJ flare-ups

  • Thread starter Thread starter Susanne
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Well-known member
Aug 13, 2014
For those of you with TMJ issues, what are your most common symptoms, what do you think is the biggest cause for them and how long does a flare-up of those symptoms usually last for you? Which remedies, OTC meds, etc. do you find most helpful?

My TMJ problems are on the left side and my jaw clenches so much sometimes that it makes my teeth hurt. I've found that my sleeping position and my posture when working at the computer or in the kitchen seem to contribute the most to my jaw issues. Once they flare up, it takes a long time for them to go away. I've tried warm compresses, ibuprofen, acetaminophen, massaging the sore spots (usually right in front of and a little below my ear where my upper and lower jaw meet) and they help some, but not enough. Time seems to be the only thing that gets rid of the symptoms. Anyone else have a remedy that really works for them?
Hi! I’ve been in a week long flare-up because of getting a crown last week - I feel your pain! My dentist prescribed me some muscle relaxers and that’s helped some, but what I’ve found that helps me most is taking a naproxen. I’m doing Aleve and was told I could do 2 in the morning and then one more after 12 hours. I’ve been rotating between hot and cold compresses too, but I’ve found that the cold is helping me a lot more. I have a migraine ice pack that supposed to wrap around your head, but I just move it to my jaw. Lessening my caffeine intake has helped too! I used to have a mouth guard for the bottom teeth, but my dentist recently had one fitted for my top. It fits like a retainer and keeps my back teeth from hitting, so that’s helped a lot. I tend to keep it close by when I’m doing workon my laptop too because that’s usually when I find myself clenching.

My first symptom is always a toothache! I have a top molar and the one directly below it that hurt every time. I just had a crown put on the top one, so it’s been worrisome. I always convince myself I have a cavity or infection because of the pain. I’m wondering if those are the teeth I clench the most on. Then it turns into a headache that’s in my temple. Sometimes I feel like I have a really bad sinus infection. Mine usually lasts a few days or a week. This one has just been a little longer because I think my mouth isn’t agreeing with the temporary crown in my mouth, so hopefully it’ll resolve when I get the new one placed next week!

I hope you find some relief soon! It’s no fun.
For me, seeing a physio normally helps.
I have TMJ issues as well.
Been having flare-ups lately due to everything that's been going on in the world and in my personal life. Stress definitely makes it worse for me. My first symptom is usually a dull ache in my jaw on the right side, and I wonder if it's a toothache. Sometimes a headache too. Then it spreads up to my ear and becomes a very painful ear-ache. Then some swelling. Then finally my jaw actually locks into place and I can't move it, which is very very painful.

The only things I've found to be helpful are warm compresses and while I'm doing that I gently move my jaw side to side and back and forth. Then I massage the area. Sometimes if it's bad enough I'll take Tylenol.

Amic09, I have a migraine ice pack that wraps around my head too! I'm going to go try it out on my jaw now. Thanks for the tip. :)
For those of you with TMJ issues, what are your most common symptoms, what do you think is the biggest cause for them and how long does a flare-up of those symptoms usually last for you? Which remedies, OTC meds, etc. do you find most helpful?

My TMJ problems are on the left side and my jaw clenches so much sometimes that it makes my teeth hurt. I've found that my sleeping position and my posture when working at the computer or in the kitchen seem to contribute the most to my jaw issues. Once they flare up, it takes a long time for them to go away. I've tried warm compresses, ibuprofen, acetaminophen, massaging the sore spots (usually right in front of and a little below my ear where my upper and lower jaw meet) and they help some, but not enough. Time seems to be the only thing that gets rid of the symptoms. Anyone else have a remedy that really works for them?
I have bad jaw pain for the past 2 months. I have ear pain, under the ear pain in the lower jaw(where the jaw ends), side of the neck pain and sore pain on one spot on the side of the head. The neck and head pain started recently 3 weeks back. Before that, I was having ear and lower jaw pain.

Been to different doctors and no answers yet. Went to a dentist and he said it's TMJ and referred me to tmj specialist.
Any of you here been to a TMJ specialist?
He said my bones are scratching each other and disc dislocated. I don't know if it's true. Because he shown a spot in the pan xray and said on right side there is no space between bones and scratching. On left side, there is a space. But after coming home, I realised that spot is the sinus chambers and not TMJ.
So, I don't know if I really have the tmjd or not.
What was your problem? Have any if you diagnosed by a specialist? What is the treatment? PT or appliance?
Do you mean physical therapy? Does PT helps in TMJ pain?
I mean physiotherapist which is physical therapy. Yes the physiotherapist helped, just make sure they have experience with treating TMJ.
I have bad jaw pain for the past 2 months. I have ear pain, under the ear pain in the lower jaw(where the jaw ends), side of the neck pain and sore pain on one spot on the side of the head. The neck and head pain started recently 3 weeks back. Before that, I was having ear and lower jaw pain.

Been to different doctors and no answers yet. Went to a dentist and he said it's TMJ and referred me to tmj specialist.
Any of you here been to a TMJ specialist?
He said my bones are scratching each other and disc dislocated. I don't know if it's true. Because he shown a spot in the pan xray and said on right side there is no space between bones and scratching. On left side, there is a space. But after coming home, I realised that spot is the sinus chambers and not TMJ.
So, I don't know if I really have the tmjd or not.
What was your problem? Have any if you diagnosed by a specialist? What is the treatment? PT or appliance?

The issue with TMJ is that each professional will try to treat it differently.

If you go to a dentist, they will probably recommend a night guard or an appliance. However, between dentists they might recommend a different type of appliance.

If you go to a plastic surgeon, they might recommend Botox. If you go to an oral surgeon, they might recommend surgery. If you go to a medical doctor, they might recommend pain and/or muscle relaxant medication. If you go to a physiotherapist they would recommend exercices.

In the end what was important for me was
1. Get a proper understanding of what is going on. This would remove the second guessing you might have.
2. Get valid potential solutions that work for you. This would help you relieve the pain and/or discomfort you get when the TMJ is acting up. It also gives you control on the situation. It's nice knowing it might hurt now, but I know a few things to help me out.
3. Understand when it happens and if it's something you can control. I know that when I eat something difficult to chew, my TMJ will act up for a few days. So I either limit the consumption of that food or adapt the way I eat it.

For me I have a few options that helps me : an appliance, medication and physiotherapy. The appliance helps during the night, the medication helps when the pain reaches a certain level and the physiotherapy helps for all the pain bellow that level.
For me, seeing a physio normally helps.
How many weeks or months did you go for PT for TMJ?
I have bad pain in the ear, lower jaw under the ear, neck and top of head.
It hurts to touch under the ear where the jaw ends. Don't know why it hurts to touch and feels swollen. PT said I have to come in twice a week for my therapy.
Did you try any appliance after or before PT? I am not wearing any night guard now. Planning to try pt for few weeks.
My pain is mostly inside the ear and under the ear where the jaw ends. The exact spot under the ear is paining for more than 2 and a half months.
I tried the appliance before the PT. The appliance is hard, ticker over the front top teeth which means the teeth don't touch when I have it and there's a gap over the molars. It takes a bit of time to properly adjust to them. I had a night guard that covered all my top teeth from my dentist, but that simply protected the teeth without helping the TMJ much.

When I started PT, I was going twice a week. After a few months I went down to once a week.With the corona, I didn't go back yet. Probably will go back soon. My physiotherapist says the longer you had issues, the longer you need the PT treatment.
No, the appliance I got cost less than that. Yes it does help.
Thank you so much. Appreciate it.
Did you get the appliance from your dentist?
From my TMJ specialist. I found the receipt and seems I paid $800 CAD for my appliance.
For those of you with TMJ issues, which activities/situations do you find to be most problematic as far as initiating or aggravating a flare-up goes? Can just about anything set yours off or are there specific things that tend to cause the most problems for you?

I'm having a bad TMJ flare-up right now and I think there are several things to blame - I have had a couple of nights of sleeping uncomfortably, I've chewed a lot of sugarfree gum lately and I was mowing the grass yesterday using a small electric mower that required more effort and passes than with a larger mower. I think the repetitive motions caused my shoulder and neck one my right side to become strained, which in turn made my jaw tighten up. It was so sore and clenched last night that I did not sleep much at all. I took a Tylenol and it took awhile to work. I wish it would unclench already.??
****Oops. Forgot I'd already asked this question. The past few weeks without a painfully clenched jaw have been wonderful, but now it has flared up again.☹️
For those of you with TMJ issues, which over-the-counter or prescription medications have you found to be the most helpful when you have a flare-up? How long does it usually take for the medication to bring you some relief and how long do you usually take it before stopping it?
I have TMJ issues as well.
Been having flare-ups lately due to everything that's been going on in the world and in my personal life. Stress definitely makes it worse for me. My first symptom is usually a dull ache in my jaw on the right side, and I wonder if it's a toothache. Sometimes a headache too. Then it spreads up to my ear and becomes a very painful ear-ache. Then some swelling. Then finally my jaw actually locks into place and I can't move it, which is very very painful.

The only things I've found to be helpful are warm compresses and while I'm doing that I gently move my jaw side to side and back and forth. Then I massage the area. Sometimes if it's bad enough I'll take Tylenol.

Amic09, I have a migraine ice pack that wraps around my head too! I'm going to go try it out on my jaw now. Thanks for the tip. :)
How do you get relief from TMJ pain and swelling?
I have lower jaw pain under the ear lobe with Swelling in the jaw for 3 months now. Nothing helps. What do you do when you get swelling and pain? What helps? I have been to doctors and specialists.
How do you get relief from TMJ pain and swelling?
I have lower jaw pain under the ear lobe with Swelling in the jaw for 3 months now. Nothing helps. What do you do when you get swelling and pain? What helps? I have been to doctors and specialists.

Hi Useruser!
I'm so sorry about the pain and swelling. It truly is awful.
I started this thing where I wet a washcloth with hot water (as warm as I can stand) and hold it on/below my ear and around my jaw for 15 minutes, then switch to an ice pack for 15, then alternate back and forth for an hour or two. Sometimes I only use the warm washcloth. It helps just enough to loosen the jaw so I can massage it until it sort of "clicks" back into a better position to where it doesn't hurt as much. Not sure if it will work for everyone, but it definitely helps me.
Hi Useruser!
I'm so sorry about the pain and swelling. It truly is awful.
I started this thing where I wet a washcloth with hot water (as warm as I can stand) and hold it on/below my ear and around my jaw for 15 minutes, then switch to an ice pack for 15, then alternate back and forth for an hour or two. Sometimes I only use the warm washcloth. It helps just enough to loosen the jaw so I can massage it until it sort of "clicks" back into a better position to where it doesn't hurt as much. Not sure if it will work for everyone, but it definitely helps me.
Thank you.
Doing hot and Cold pack immediately after one another? Or any time gap between those two?
I am currently doing only ice for the jaw and hot for the neck and upper back.
I didn't use hot pack on the jaw since I have swelling and severe pain.
Thank you.
Doing hot and Cold pack immediately after one another? Or any time gap between those two?
I am currently doing only ice for the jaw and hot for the neck and upper back.
I didn't use hot pack on the jaw since I have swelling and severe pain.

Yes, I do them immediately one after another. I noticed the ice seems to help bring the swelling down, and the heat really helps with the pain and loosening up the tight muscles. :)

Hope you feel better soon.