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today was the most horrific day of my adult life

  • Thread starter Thread starter tatiana
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Junior member
Feb 19, 2018
I had an extraction due to a vertical fracture in a tooth in which the filling that lasted decades broke. I had an infection in the gum and first the dentist injected a blood vessel with epinephrine so my heart was palpitating which never happened to me before. I thought I was having a heart attack for he did not explain what was happening because he did not speak adequate English. then he proceeded to have a difficult time tearing the tooth from my skull. The anesthetic did NOT work; he blamed it on the infection: then his incompetence he blamed on MY tooth. he removed the tooth in three parts and I felt the last and most painful part completely. it hurt so badly I could see my mortality a flash of an old woman decaying. it was a nightmare. I am very upset. what a morbid and unnatural procedure especially for someone young contemplative, sensitive and intelligent.
I do not know how i will recover emotionally from feeling the full pain of having my tooth removed from my skull. It is an existential nightmare I will not soon forget.
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Dear tatiana,

welcome on the forum and thank you for sharing your experience with us, it was for sure not easy.
I feel quite shocked about the experience you went through. What you describe sounds just cruel and incredibly traumatic and I can only imagine how you feel right now. Hopefully the writing about it helped you as a first step to process thit a little bit. Please feel free to use this forum to write out the heavy things that come to your mind and the feelings linked to it, it helps.

The dentist shouldn't even touch your tooth before making sure that you are properly numb and if you are still feeling pain, then he must stop immediately and offer you a solution so that you can go through the treatment comfortably. What you describe sounds like torture.
You should also get proper information about everything that is happening during the treatment and especially if there are complications that make you feel scared.

I am wondering about the background - how did you get to this dentist? Was it a proper practice? A dental school? Was it abroad? An emergency?

Hope you can get some rest now and recover a bit, both - physically and emotionally.

Take care and keep us posted

This just made me feel sad . I am so sorry you went through this... it took me back and I wasn't even there.. this is awful!! and a very traumatic experience to say the very least! ugh.

There is no excuse for it either.. like Enarete said. just none. The last Dentist that an extraction was quite similiar to me and I told him to stop and I made noises and gave the stop sign it was very painful. he kept going even though I was in pain and later he told me. "it was the infection so that is why you felt pain" but I agree with Enarte that they should.... stop regardless and see how things can adjust better to our comfort and not just rip the tooth out if the anesthetic is not working. I know that my dentist that did this was in a hurry and his patience was lacking at the time he wanted to be done so he just did it. it is sad.. and we shouldn't have to worry about this... I'm just very very thankful there are Dr's who are sensitive to our pain. who can read every look and cringe and adjust and ask us about our comfort level!! Sooo Thankful to have mine who can read every body language of discomfort or anxiety. and I hope you can find the same!!

I hope you can somehow find better thoughts and healing , it will be a process.. I agree with Enarate.. write it out and process it here we are here to help. Thank you for sharing.. and again so sorry you went through this.
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I am sorry you had this terrible experience.

Please keep us up to date.
I am so so sorry and also upset with what happened to you. Well I had a tooth badly infected pulled and with my dentist I did not have pain. Makes me so upset knowing this could have been done so much humanely! You just do your research and talk to people you know and trust. You can eventually find a dentist who has a caring manner this way when you are ready. It’s fine for anyone to try out how the dentist will relate to us. You hang in there. Yes you are empathic and didn’t deserve this kind of treatment. Know we all support you and are herefor you. I really hope you feel better.
Thank You all so much. The pain was intense for 8 hours ,hence I could not sleep. I caught 4 hrs total and I still have pain but it is not sharp. What I am terrified of is dry socket. and yes, this was medical tourism for a single dental implant. he was not unkind, simply incompetent; he did no wish to hurt me but was unskilled. I am angriest at myself for pushing forward because I felt that it needed toberemoved right away due to exacerbated infection. I could have waited to see if the infection subsided but Ifeltit unhealthy to keep an abscessed tooth in my head I could have been more gentle with myself, packed the tooth and waited for the infection to subside ten extracted it. I feel disappointed in myself for pushing myself into such pain. I could have waited but I should give myself some credit for knowing this should not be prolonged. I do not believe there will ever be a next time but I would proceed with Myself gently not ever subject myself to such pain. ty again for your compassion.