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Too scared to eat

  • Thread starter Thread starter jebervic
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Junior member
Mar 19, 2010
After years of avoiding the dentist and letting my teeth deteriorate, I had an abscess on new years eve, so I resolved to sort my teeth out, but right at this moment im feeling pretty low and wishing I didn't bother.

So in January I started the road to getting my teeth sorted out, started with cleaning my existing teet and identifying what teeth need to be removed, 4 stumps an upper back left and 3 stumps on lower back, and two teeth to the right of my two front teeth (I think these are known as 7 &8) the cleaning went ok and the stumps removed without too many problems (about two weeks ago) impressions for upper dentures were also taken ready for immediate dentures when the two front were removed (on wednesday 17th March).

One of the teeth was really stubborn to remove, but eventaully he got them both out and put the new denture straight in, the next morning I went for a check up and he adjusted it slightly, however its been reallly painful since Wednesday, I just thought this was normal and put up with the pain, but by 3pm I couldn't bear the thought of going the weekend with this pain, so I called my dentist and explained what had gone on, they agreed to let me see a dentist (not my normal dentist) later this afternoon, I explained my denture was very sore and I had a constant pain which never went away even with pain killers, my face was also swollen.

He examined me and adjusted the denture, he also told me I had the start of dry socket, so he packed it with something and prescribed amoxicillan, i've started the antibiotics and there has been some relieve since he dressed the socket, however, I am now too scared to eat incase it dislodges the dressing, I am also wary of getting debris into the extraction area, I don't have an appointment until next wednesday, any advice please?[smiley=sick.gif]

oh edit, he also said I had a denture ulcer?, i am too scared to take the denture out, should I? I am just scared it won't go back in, I am also wary of removing denture to mouthwash, can I do the salt water mouthwash with my dentures in?
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Not sure what precautions you need to take with your dry socket dressing, perhaps one of the more knowledgeable posters here can help you with this. However as regards your denture, providing it is the removable sort then you definitely should learn how to take it out and re-insert it as soon as possible.

A removable denture which you're afraid to take out and clean is no use to anybody - and believe me, the first time you try eating something like raspberry jam or crusty bread you WILL want to take it out and clean it ! :whistle:

When I had a root extracted a couple of weeks ago, I was doing the salt water mouthwashes with the denture in place. This was purely because I couldn't be bothered to take it out four times every day. It didn't appear to cause me any harm.
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Hi jebervic-

I think with his packing the hole, it should be fine. If you're worried about eating, then stick with soft foods for a day or two. I think that dry socket will usually happen within 4 to 5 days post extraction, and if he's filled your socket, and it's been a few days, I'd bet you're "good to go".

I had all my upper teeth removed 4 weeks ago, and an immediate full upper denture placed, and I have needed MANY adjustments because of the swelling going down. I have had sores (ulcers) form the denture rubbing in places after a different areas swelling went down, but these usually clear up quite quickly once the adjustment to the denture has been made.

I too was afraid to remove the denture, thinking it wouldn't go back in-but it did. I think it's best to do your rinses with the denture out, as you want to "swish" away any food particles, and bacteria that are getting "trapped" under the denture, and the rinses also promote healing, so having the denture out while rinsing will allow the salt water do "do it's thing"!!! LOL

Best of luck to you, hope this helps a bit.
Last night went well, fell asleep without pain and never woke up until the morning, so the dressing he put in worked a treat!, wole up and had some porridge for breakfast and the same agian for lunch, still to scared to take the denture out, just incase I dislodge the dressing and antagonise the ulcer, the adjustment he made to the denture seems to have made it more comfortable, however I haven't really tested chewing on it, been doing salt water mouth washes (with denture in) all is good at the moment, still taking the antibiotics and occasional ibruprofen, all is good at the moment at the moment (i.e pain free)

How long before a dry socket heals ?

Thanks to Biffo and bumpthumper
Dry socket is long since fixed, go ahead and take the denture out now :)
Dry socket is long since fixed, go ahead and take the denture out now :)

Really?, wow, well no pain again today, one more day of antibiotics, i'll take denture out in a minute and give it a good clean, I still have sore points and it hurts when I apply pressure (biting down) so some adjustments still required, I have an appointment Wednesday, so hopefully sort these it out then, went back to work today and I was actually smiling confidently[smiley=jumping.gif]

So the dry socket is no more then?, wow !, looking on the internet I got really scared.