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Tooth sensitive to hot ? Really hope I don't need a root canal.

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Junior member
Jul 19, 2017
Over the last few days I've noticed one of my teeth has become sensitive to heat. I've recently made a trip back to the dentist after a 10 year absence and had 3 fillings and a cleaning. This is not a tooth that has been filled as the dentist said sensitivity could happen with those. Could this be an abscess or would I have more severe symptoms ? Would the dentist not of noticed something like a cavity at my appointment when finding the other 3 ? None of the teeth I had to have filled were sensitive and only one hurt at times when biting due to there being a small hole. This tooth does not hurt when biting or brushing only when it comes in to contact with stuff that is very hot (googling sensitivity to heat has made me think I will need a root canal) I really don't think I could cope with a root canal as I'm already a very nervous patient and the last filling I had hurt. Even after 3 injections I could still feel the drill :( plus I remember my mum telling me she had a root canal which she described as 2 hours of torture leading to the tooth needing extracting anyway. If this is the case I genuinely think I could cope better with having an extraction and an implant under sedation more so than a root canal as I know the dentist I see now wouldn't do a root canalwith iv sedation. During the last filling I was told the tooth being worked on had lots of roots (think it was a wisdom) and that I would just have to tolerate the pain. And if that hurt I have a feeling a RC would be even more unpleasant.
Sometimes those sensitivies just come and go for no discernable reason, so don't panic just yet. There are also many other reasons for sensitivity that don't require a root canal. Try using a flouride mouth wash.

But if you need a root canal--get a referral to a good endodontist! They are specialists in root canals and do a really good job. I had two recently, one was aborted because the root was cracked, but neither was worse than a large filling IMHO. And I HATE dental work! It really wasn't that bad and has been totally overblown.

Just have to add--if any dentist I saw told me "I just have to tolerate the pain", I would be looking for a new dentist ASAP. That is not an acceptable answer to me.
I sooo agree Badmouth.. the only dentist that I ever had a bad root canal with was one of those "Its okay, you can feel a little pain, you just have to deal with it.." guys.. no trying to give me more, or stop or make me comfortable.. I never went back.. I've gotten several root canals after him by my old dentist and never felt a thing not even the novocaine when he did them.. I think if you have a skilled and compassionate dentist that cares about your comfrot and anxiety. It should be a very tolerable and even pleasant experience with the right company. I would definately hit the road though if someone told me "id just have to tolerate pain".. nope trigger!!!

Sometimes those sensitivies just come and go for no discernable reason, so don't panic just yet. There are also many other reasons for sensitivity that don't require a root canal. Try using a flouride mouth wash.

But if you need a root canal--get a referral to a good endodontist! They are specialists in root canals and do a really good job. I had two recently, one was aborted because the root was cracked, but neither was worse than a large filling IMHO. And I HATE dental work! It really wasn't that bad and has been totally overblown.

Just have to add--if any dentist I saw told me "I just have to tolerate the pain", I would be looking for a new dentist ASAP. That is not an acceptable answer to me.
Agree with KR and badmouth time to find a new dentist/endodontist. Competent high quality dentists can do most stuff with zero/minimal pain thesedays. They want you to have a good experience so you return and recommend others; and maybe also because they are nice people who want to sleep at night :love:.

Root canals can be fine:

I don't know much about your sensitivity issue other than using some Sensodyne pronamel which helped my sensitivity however I have just completed part one of my root canal treatment and I was terrified going in but honestly, other than the drill (which doesn't hurt) it was actually a relatively pleasant experience! Maybe it was down to my dentist, he told me if it hurt at any point to raise my hand and he would stop. He told me from the start that it shouldn't hurt and it didn't so if you have a good dentist then it should be fine. I've had an extraction before and for me that was 10x worse! Always try to save the tooth.