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toothache since gold crown

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Well-known member
Jan 14, 2011
why would a replaced crown cause toothache in the same tooth? didn't have toothache before the new crown. :(
They take time to settle down, the dentist has just disturbed things and it may take a few days to settle back down. Does the tooth have a nerve in it?

Pain meds should ease it to get you over this settling in time. If it persists and you are worried, go and see your dentist and let them have a look. I would give it at least a couple of weeks though.

You have to decide what is best for you to do though as you can see and feel it, I am not a dentist and I cannot see it, so it is just an opinion of someone that doesn't know the answer. I can only say what I have experienced in the past with my own treatment. :)
Hi thanks for your reply. I did go back to my dentists. He has checked it with heat and cold and there was no response. He feels the tooth is either dead or has so much metal on it that the thermal response cannot be felt. He also points out that the tooth has not been root treated and that he doubts he could treat it suscessfully as the roots were sclerosed, which I understand to mean that he would not be able to get the instruments down the root to clean them out!

This tooth sounds dead to me and if so I shouldn't get a toothache from it, surely.
As someone that has no dental knowledge as I said before, I find what he said puzzling. If the tooth has not been rct'd it could be that the nerve is dying. Or you could have a bit of infection but I would think he would be able to tell.

Do you think your bite could be out?

I don't know what that means what he said, but I have just had a rct'd tooth re treated that has been a hell of a job because the roots were filled with cement and also the roots were curved. They used chemical's to help soften the cement then they used the files to clean the roots out. I don't know why he couldn't refer you to see a specialist.

You can go to see an endodontist yourself, and get a second opinion. I am in the UK and I don't know where you are from, but if you are in the UK the dentist can refer you to be seen by a specialist. I would get a second opinion before even considering having the tooth removed.

Let us know what happens please. :)
Iv'e been told I have a grinding problem and TMJ has been mentioned but I believe this condition is often used as a catch all for many toothy problems that dentists are unsure about.

A referral has been mentioned to Oral-maxillofacial consultant at my local dental hospital which I'm reluctant to accept. My dentist does not make me feel comfortable about it. In my experience teeth are removed a little too conveniently to meet the demands of the student dentists. I also do not wish to be subjected to a process of elimination and possibly unnecessary treatment.

My confidence in the dental profession is poor and I'm trying to convince myself that the toothache will settle.
I don't know where you are getting your knowledge of dental hospitals from, but I am having my rct re treatment at a dental hospital.

I was seen by a senior consultant initially who agreed the tooth did stand a chance of successful treatment. I was then passed to a post graduate student. He has been wonderfu,l both in dealing with me as a very nervous patient and in treating the tooth. There is a tutor there all the time on hand to advise if needed and to keep a check that I am also okay.

A previous dentist just wanted to extract the tooth which would have left me with problems with eating on the side the tooth is. This same person that is doing my re treatment is also doing me a night guard for my TMJ that I have had for years but has not been treated. He also filed a tooth down that was giving me problems with my bite. So I have only praise for the hospital dentists. Years ago they found the cause of a lot of pain I was in and removed my wisdom teeth too.

I would take the offer of referral and judge for yourself if you would like to keep the tooth you are having problems with. My own dentist referred me because she could not better the job that had been done by a previous dentist. :)
I have had referral to the dental hospital in the past. My experience was not a positive one. :(

I wish had your confidence.