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trouble staying still due to anxiety

  • Thread starter Thread starter ryak2002
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Junior member
May 12, 2015
I would like some advice. I have always had anxiety about the dentist, but I have generally been able to keep it under control. For example i have had several fillings, but never without fairly significant anxiety resulting in trouble sleeping shortly before the appointment and general emotional discomfort.

The most recent one had a new complication, though. I found myself despite my best efforts having difficulty preventing my body from moving and shaking during the procedure. It was bad enough that the dentist noticed and asked if i needed to stop and stand up from the chair.

The worst part was, I was worried that my unexpectedly moving could potentially cause the dentist to remove material they weren't intending to, and that just fed into the anxiety i was already feeling and made it much worse.

Now i've just been diagnosed with needing another filling (Which is super frustrating because I have been making major efforts to take excellent care of my teeth to try to prevent this). Do you guys have any advice to help me overcome this anxiety? I'm always able to convince myself to get the treatment because i know it would only result in much worse issues later on, but it's just horrible dealing with the anxiety it causes and especially i'm worried i will have a repeat of the incident from the last one. I really don't want to have them mess up the filling because i can't physically hold myself still.

I'm a little nervous to call them and ask if they could prescribe medication I could take to help with this (and normally i'm the kind of person who doesn't even want to take headache medicine), but I really think i might try anyways if it would help. Has anyone with personal experience trying this gotten good results in overcoming a similar issue or maybe have another suggestion to help?
First of all, good on you for going to the dentist even though it's so scary! Really, that's something to be proud of. I'm sorry you need another filling. Sometimes we just have no luck with our teeth.

I sometimes have trouble staying still when I'm anxious. It's like I have to jiggle my legs or rub my hands together or something, to take my mind off the rest of my body. It's so hard to control! I've never had it in the dentist chair (that's probably only because I was knocked out for my last procedure).

If I was in your shoes, I would ask the dentist about it. Ask them if it's a problem, if the movement is to the extent that it might make their job harder. Though I would be surprised if dentists aren't accustomed to patients that are not very still - they work on kids after all. Feel free to ask what sort of medication they might prescribe too, then google what the medication does so that you can get a general idea of how it might help or what the effects might be. The more knowledge, the better, especially if you're not used to taking different kinds of meds.

Don't let it get you down! :hug4:
I had similar problem my head would shake in anticipation of pain. For me it was ok for someone to hold my head it made me more comfortable since i knew dentist could work more easily. it happens less with each visit i guess its because i'm starting to trust my dentist.
Benzodiazepines (Valium, Xanax, etc.) can be very effective in calming the physiological effects of anxiety. Most dentists are more than happy to prescribe one of these medications as it often makes things easier for the patient and for them. You should not drive while taking these medications do you would need to. Have someone who can take you to your appointment.

I think it's totally reasonable to cal the dental office to see if the dentist is willing to prescribe something. You might also be able to ask your primary care provider (GP) if you have a good relationship with her/him.
Just so you know - a dentist once told me that they use their finger to brace/steady their hand against the tooth they are working on. This means that if you flinch, nothing bad is very likely to happen at all.
You could also try holding on to something small, such as an Ipod (my vice), a small action figure, or something like that. Having something to "ground" yourself with might help you remember to stay as still as possible, and it gives you something to squeeze when you get scared.

Good luck!
Benzodiazepines (Valium, Xanax, etc.) can be very effective in calming the physiological effects of anxiety. Most dentists are more than happy to prescribe one of these medications as it often makes things easier for the patient and for them. You should not drive while taking these medications do you would need to. Have someone who can take you to your appointment.

I think it's totally reasonable to cal the dental office to see if the dentist is willing to prescribe something. You might also be able to ask your primary care provider (GP) if you have a good relationship with her/him.

I was going to take the day off work anyways and i can schedule it such that my wife can drive me. I really think this might be the right approach for me and am going to see if it is an option.