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Trying to Make it to My Appt Round 2

  • Thread starter Thread starter chcupcakes
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Junior member
Sep 4, 2024
On Monday (2 days ago), I was scheduled to have my back right wisdom tooth extracted. Morning comes and I call the office to tell them to change the appointment to a consultation instead because I wasn't ready and still had questions to ask. It went ok, although I left just as nervous as I went in, and at checkout I wasn't able to bring myself to make an appointment for the actual extraction. I give myself Tuesday to relax, and I start to feel myself slipping back into the mindset that I would ignore this broken tooth because it's not bothering me, which is the mindset I've had for the last two years.

Today, however, I started to panic about complications from having this broken tooth and how those outweigh any risk I'd face at the dentist, and so I forced myself to call. I can't believe I did this, but I made my appointment to extract the tooth for tomorrow.. And here I am again, questioning whether or not I can do it with this level of anxiety. I have 4 kids, and I know that by keeping this tooth I'm risking losing my life and my children losing their mother just because I'm scared of the dentist. I HAVE TO DO THIS. But I just don't know how!
Update- they called at 8:30am to cancel my appointment because the oral surgeon won't be in this afternoon. Maybe it's for the best, maybe it's meant to be. Maybe I'm not ready, but if I'm not ready now, when will I ever be? Feeling so stressed.
@chcupcakes Which risks in particular are you worried about? You mentioned in another thread that you were concerned about the feeling of numbness. Is there anything else you’re worried about?
@chcupcakes Which risks in particular are you worried about? You mentioned in another thread that you were concerned about the feeling of numbness. Is there anything else you’re worried about?
They're perceived risks really, just horrible scenarios that I imagine in my head. Like having randomly developed an allergy to the anesthetic even though I've had it several times in the past.. I've had 4 teeth pulled before, the most recent one being an upper wisdom tooth 3 years ago.

In my mind I imagine myself getting the injections and possibly having damage from the needle itself, but mainly panicking over the sensation of not being able to feel my face. My heart was racing all day yesterday and this morning at the thought of it alone before they called to cancel, so I'm also afraid that I might experience issues due to that as well.

The fear of numbness comes from a fixation on sensations in my mouth and throat and extreme fears of anything feeling unusual. I don't have any particular reason for it that I can recall, it's just a very big fear that I have. In the past I've had a ton of panic attacks stemming from fears of my lips/throat/tongue swelling.
It seems to be quite a common fear, people seem to be hardwired to a certain extent to develop a fear of numbness, so you’re in good company :).

I’m not sure if you’ve already come across this page - if not, some of the info might be useful:

@letsconnect thanks so much for this. Your comment too, about being in good company, for some reason just makes me feel a little bit better to know I'm not crazy for feeling this way :)

As an update, my appointment is set for Wednesday. If I can get myself to it, it'll finally be behind me, and then I'll have a myriad of other dental work ahead of me that hopefully I won't be afraid of anymore. If I can't bring myself to get to that appointment, I have a different appointment set for Thursday to have one of my smaller cavities on an upper tooth filled. I'm just trying to figure out which one I feel the most prepared for and able to handle!
One day before the set date, and I'm feeling strangely calm. I had a thought in my head that calmed me a lot, and it was "Every scary thought or feeling has only ever been in my head, from scenarios I've imagined. They're not real." This thought coming from remembering that our brain doesn't know how to separate the imagined thoughts from the real ones, causing us to react based on experiences that never occurred because we're scared that they might occur, the "what-ifs".

The FACTS, if I'm going by those, are that this tooth could cause an infection that could *actually* hurt me and is more of a matter of when than if. Secondly, I've never experienced any negative reaction to dental anesthetic, or any other local anesthetic, and I've had it plenty of times. Third, this is such a routine procedure that they do all day long, and I'm in the most capable hands. Fourth, I know I'm not the only one nervous, it's normal to be nervous.

I so hope I can update with the outcome that I've overcome something that's plagued me for so long and caused me SO much mental torment. I want this behind me more than I've ever wanted ANYTHING.
The FACTS, if I'm going by those, are that this tooth could cause an infection that could *actually* hurt me and is more of a matter of when than if. Secondly, I've never experienced any negative reaction to dental anesthetic, or any other local anesthetic, and I've had it plenty of times. Third, this is such a routine procedure that they do all day long, and I'm in the most capable hands. Fourth, I know I'm not the only one nervous, it's normal to be nervous.

Can't really argue with any of this, well said :) . Keeping my fingers crossed for tomorrow (and it's great that you have a backup plan worked out just in case!).

Best of luck 🍀🍀🍀
5 hours until appointment time! I'm feeling..okay. I'm nervous, but I'm just imagining how quickly it will be over with, and how happy I'll be when it's done. My dentist has wonderful reviews, so I'm just going to do my best to place my trust in him and remember that he knows what he's doing as out of control of the situation as I feel. It's the only time in my life that I have to face this for this tooth again. No more constantly worrying about infections 🥹
I did it!! I finally did it. Two years and never did really quite build up the courage, but went in even though I was terrified because I knew it was my only choice and I did it!!! I can't believe in here on the other side saying I did it!
Yay - that’s wonderful news!

So happy for you :cloud9:

Well done!!! And thanks for the update!
@chcupcakes So happy for you. I have an appt. scheduled this Thursday to extract two teeth at the bottom right. My fear is on the numbness on the tongue. Thats because that set off my 1st panic attack 11-12 yrs ago. I have no issue with numbness on the upper lip. But the tongue, that's a totally different story because I think I have never experienced this sensation before since the last one 11-12 yrs ago. I guess my fear is will I panic (again)? And if I panic again, I would have to "endure" for hours till the numbness fade away.