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Unusual Pain in my Gums after getting my wisdom teeth out - Scared, please help.



Junior member
Nov 7, 2015
Unusual Pain in my Gums after getting my wisdom teeth out - Scared, please help.

Hi, I got all my of my wisdom teeth out 4 days ago and on the 2nd day of recovery I noticed that the bottom
right inside of my gums, about a tooth or two in front of where my wisdom tooth was extracted, were feeling really raw and stung a bit (kinda hard to explain other that raw around the inside of the gums). I have really bad health anxiety and am scared it might turn into an infection or something else. The other side feels like it is healing normally and this side doesn't feel right, its more painful. I've been doing the salt water rinses about 4 times a day and have only tried to brush my teeth once but failed because of the overall pain. I've looked at the sight and I can't really tell whats normal what isn't. Can someone please give me some insight to help me understand this pain? :confused:
Re: Unusual Pain in my Gums after getting my wisdom teeth out - Scared, please help.

Hi :welcome: to the forum.

If you are still in pain then take something for it. It is normal for you to have some pain after wisdom teeth extraction but if it is unbearable or if it worries you then go back to see the dentist.

The pain should be getting better by day four but people heal differently. Some don't have any pain at all, and some people take a bit longer to heal.

I would go and see the dentist and let them have a look. They won't mind and it is best to be sure and have peace of mind. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: :butterfly::butterfly:
Re: Unusual Pain in my Gums after getting my wisdom teeth out - Scared, please help.

So would you say an irritated spot on the side of my gum that isn't part of the surgery part but is near the sight is common? Kinda feels like a canker soar?
Re: Unusual Pain in my Gums after getting my wisdom teeth out - Scared, please help.

I am sorry but I don't know it is better to let your dentist have a look. :butterfly:
Re: Unusual Pain in my Gums after getting my wisdom teeth out - Scared, please help.

Thank you, I've been told to call the oral surgeons office tomorrow to have a check up appointment to see what's going on. Hopefully everything is okay.
Re: Unusual Pain in my Gums after getting my wisdom teeth out - Scared, please help.

Good luck for your appointment :clover::clover::clover: Let us know how you get on :fingerscrossed::fingerscrossed::fingerscrossed::butterfly: