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Very real fear of inability to chew food properly further to having had extractions.

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Junior member
May 24, 2016
Very real fear of inability to chew food properly further to having had extractions.


This has unfortunately taken over my life. Basically I have always been a slow eater and fear about the possibility of choking. This fear I've 'coped' with to a certain extent (without being complacent so to speak). Anyway further to having had some teeth removed (two at the lowermost rear right and one upper & lower left (just about on top of each other) the fear that I have of choking has been excasserbated - to such an extent that I no longer feel confidence in eating any solids (apart from a Sun dinner (chicken & mashed potato only - covered in a generous amount of gravy)) and blend everything.

It's become a miserable existence tbh. I'd thought that I was coping with my 'avoidance tactics' but increasingly it's becoming more and more harder to deal with. I cannot even think about consuming something without the very real fear of dyeing.

What has made this fear even more apparent is quite a recent extraction (lower left tooth) that has left quite a large void - mainly because I'm aware the tooth that was almost directly above this is also no longer present and because I'm able to make a 'clicking' noise with the gum that is basically covering where the most recently extracted tooth used to be. The clicking noise is being made by what is effectively a vacuum being formed from what I'm able to gather but having said that I could be barking up the wrong tree completely.

Is the 'clicking' noise that is being made typical of a gum that is healing please? Cannot recall having experienced this with other teeth that have been removed. Am convinced it's not a tooth making this noise but could be wrong.

Im undergoing counselling and have been to ENT to have an endoscopy because of my fear of choking due to what I can only perceive as an inability to chew food properly (due to gaps basically) and have been told there's nothing wrong mechanically. This hasn't alleviated my fears though unfortunately. I do not want to carry on like this. I feel awful not being able to eat whilst in the company of others and do not like making excuses for skipping meals.

I'd be most grateful should someone in here be able to offer any pinpointers for help.
Thank you.
Re: Very real fear of inability to chew food properly further to having had extractions.

I really can't offer any specific advice about the fear of choking while swallowing. I have the opposite problem - despite having had full extractions, I often scarf my food down like a starving lion, then have to force myself to slow down and chew properly because it makes my stomach hurt a little. :P

I'm not sure about the clicking noise. It could be a sort of suction, as you say, or something else. It doesn't sound like something to be concerned about though. Mouths can make all sorts of funny noises. Maybe you should have a little chat with your dentist about it. No question is too silly if it can help put your mind at ease.

How long have you been in counselling for? Have you tried any behavioural therapy (like cognitive behavioural therapy) for your fear? Having had that therapy for my agoraphobia, I do recommend it. It's never an overnight fix, but with some time it can yield good results. :)
Re: Very real fear of inability to chew food properly further to having had extractions.

The thing w/ chewng food w/ missing teeth is that it takes time and patience. I had 14 teeth yanked 2 years ago and for the most part, i can eat nearly anything w/o my partials.

And i don't know about the clicking. Ive read a lot of journals here regarding the process of healing and had to heal from a bunch of extractions and i've never read about or experienced a clicking.
Re: Very real fear of inability to chew food properly further to having had extractions.

Hello, Thank you for your reply. I've not been going to counselling that long and tried CBT for the very same fear. The latter wasn't a success unfortunately. Convinced the clicking noise is being made by suction / a vacuum being formed by what's left (a huge void) from my most recent tooth extraction. Think I should speak to my dentist about this, agreed.
as for my fear I really do not know how to get over this. It's definitely taken over my life though (I'm a worrier anyway and no count this does not help).
kind Regards.
Re: Very real fear of inability to chew food properly further to having had extractions.

Hello, Thank you for your reply. It's much appreciated. Wish it'd help me worry less but a fear like this definitely cannot be fixed overnight from what I'm able to gather.
kind Regards.