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Week long bone fragment (?) not coming out of gum - scheduled for a few days from now

  • Thread starter Thread starter Lindaru
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Jan 20, 2013
McCall, Idaho
Week long bone fragment (?) not coming out of gum - scheduled for a few days from now

Hi, everyone . . . new to the forums but starting to get a bit worried.

I had teeth #20 and #21 extracted (both simples - or so I thought) December 12th. January 12th started feeling sharp white thing trying to come through buccal side of gum down about half-way from the top of socket with at times severe pain.

Some people are telling me it is a bone fragment that should have worked its way through by now (to where you can remove with tweezers); however, it is now seven days and it is still there.

I am scheduled in a few days to have it removed. Might it be something else? I have advanced periodontitis and am in the process of slowly getting all of my teeth out for dentures. To date, I have had 16 removed thus far.

Best and worst case scenario for an unerupted fragment . . . what can I expect as far as procedure(s), pain, bleeding (naturally thin blood) and recovery? Of the 14 teeth removed thus far (wisdoms included), this fragment situation is new to me.


Re: Week long bone fragment (?) not coming out of gum - scheduled for a few days from now


It could be indeed a bone fragment. If so, there is a chance that this fragment will find its way out before your appointment.
If the dentist will attend it, it is very easy for the patient.The dentist will numb the buccal side and if needed will make a very small cut in the gums in order to access the tissue. You should not feel post- operatvie pain, there might be a bit sensitivity from the tissue (after all it needs to heal).

In any case, it is better to ask the dentist. It depends on the situation and the dentist's experience.
Re: Week long bone fragment (?) not coming out of gum - scheduled for a few days from now

Thank you, Doctor Daniel . . . had my husband look at it again and he said he can "see more white" but he thinks my gums are too tough or the fragment is not sharp enough to come through, so will be going Wednesday to get it out.

I guess I was mostly concerned about limited diet like with tooth extraction, excessive cutting and bleeding needing stitches, not able to talk due to swelling, that sort of thing. I will not be able to talk to him or his assistant until I am plunked down in the chair, so guess I will have to wait to find out just what all this might actually involve.

Others around me are telling me that this should not have happened, that if there was a breakage in removal, they should have gotten it out then and there?

Thanks again!


Re: Week long bone fragment (?) not coming out of gum - scheduled for a few days from now

Hello sweetie

I had several teeth extracted a good few months back now, and I had bits of bone coming out. I had a 'special' bit of bone that decided it rather enjoyed itself on the inside than the out. It took what seemed to me to be ages. I saw my dentist and mentioned it and he looked at it, on more than one occasion. They are apparently pretty easy to get out with tweezers, but if you are a bit of a sook like me, that would be a no no.

Mine kept creeping out and then going back into hiding again. I took pics (for my viewing only) and it looked huge. Reality was, it was the tiniest 'splinter' and as Lincoln said, when it was ready it would come out, and right enough, it did.

Get your dentist to check it out, and listen to his/her words of wisdom. It will be all good in the end, despite your frustration during that time.

Take care.
Re: Week long bone fragment (?) not coming out of gum - scheduled for a few days from now

Thanks, Kim . . . truth be told, husband said that even though it is buried under the gums (completely covered at the end poking out), he could take a Xacto knife, cut about one-half inch and pull it out with tweezers, which to be honest, terrified me more than the idea of going to the dentist to get it out (only topical Anbesol, an alcohol wipe and probably the chance of infection).

I am pretty sure it is not going to be out by Wednesday and it is causing pain beginning about 1:00 to 2:00 p.m. daily and once under control, it stays that way until bed time. As soon as I lay down, it feels like an abscessed tooth trying to come out in that spot. Have to get up and Anbesol up to try and get some sleep. Once asleep, I am okay until the next day between 1:00 and 2:00 p.m.

Weird, huh?

Re: Week long bone fragment (?) not coming out of gum - scheduled for a few days from now

Nothing removed today because they cannot remove it without sending me to oral maxillofacial surgeon. They called it an "exo-osteosis" and said that the reason it is not coming through the gums is because it is still attached to bone. The surgery will be expensive and extensive, and the recovery will possibly take months.

I have to tell you, I am terrified. He said a slight chance that it may reabsorb or reattach under the gum tissue to where it is not sticking out.

Any advice you can give me on this one will be great because all of this sounds ten times worse than an extraction!


Re: Week long bone fragment (?) not coming out of gum - scheduled for a few days from now

Sounds a bit odd to me, could you get a second opinion?
Re: Week long bone fragment (?) not coming out of gum - scheduled for a few days from now

I have spoken to a couple of people in physical proximity to my location who stated that this happened to them, too.

I guess the denturist of one had to send her to an oral surgeon to have the "bony ridge" ground down because apparently the dentist did not do the extraction properly.

I was going to go ahead and have the procedure, but with more teeth that need to come out, I have been advised it is best to wait and see what happens. This way if it happens with more extractions, they can do the whole grinding down and restitching the gums together all at one time like they did with the woman I just spoke of.

Sheesh. You think once a tooth is gone and you have successfully made it past the dry socket stage that that would be the end of it.

Re: Week long bone fragment (?) not coming out of gum - scheduled for a few days from now

A boney exostosis wouldn't cause the symptoms you're complaining about. Again, could you get a second opinion from a dentist?
Re: Week long bone fragment (?) not coming out of gum - scheduled for a few days from now

Hi, Gordon . . . it will be February before I can afford to pay for an office visit for a second opinion (no insurance here).

I will ask them when I go in since I am going to get an estimate to get the remaining teeth out from this new dentist since he was recommended by my brother-in-law's girl-friend. She chose not to go to the one I have been seeing since 2003 since he was too expensive under her insurance!

The pain is not as bad as it was when I started this thread, so hoping it just dies down completely on its own. I may have a minor irritation infection in the gums just because they are stretched over this thing.

Thank you all!

Re: Week long bone fragment (?) not coming out of gum - scheduled for a few days from now

Just wanted to check back in and let you know that whatever it was, it reabsorbed/dissolved. It is no longer there.

What a relief!

Now to make plans to start getting the rest of these teeth out a couple at a time.

Thank you all!

Re: Week long bone fragment (?) not coming out of gum - scheduled for a few days from now

So glad all worked out well with that little one xx
Re: Week long bone fragment (?) not coming out of gum - scheduled for a few days from now

Hello, all . . . I thought it had resorbed. I had teeth #18 and #19 out today and they showed me on the x-ray where they had to remove something else that was between #20 and #21 which were extracted back on December 12, 2012. This was the piece they called an exotosis or exostosis or something like that.

Turns out it was actually a root tip.

Not sure how it could be because they claimed at the time that #20 and #21 were taken out, that there was nothing left behind.

Just curiouser and curiouser. I hope now everything is out on the bottom and I will not have to worry about it any more.

Just thought I would find this thread and update you on it even though the origins were a year and a half ago.

Re: Week long bone fragment (?) not coming out of gum - scheduled for a few days from now

Got a molar out almost 3 weeks ago now and I feel some sort of fragment I've tried to brush it out but it's not coming out. It's not painful just annoying. Any tips on how to remove it ?

Re: Week long bone fragment (?) not coming out of gum - scheduled for a few days from now

Hi, Afaridnomore . . . mine was not able to be removed because it was not your typical bone fragment, spicule. They had told me it was attached to the bone and would have to be surgically removed.

They advised rinsing nightly with hydrogen peroxide rinse (Peroxyl) to help it dissolve or heal which it did and I thought no more of it.

Turns out it was actually a root tip left behind from a previous extraction which showed up on my most recent x-rays. From what I understand, a regular bone fragment will work its way out to where you can get it out with tweezers, but if it is not, it will have to be removed (they considered it an extraction when they removed it with the two teeth yesterday).

My advice to you would be to see if you can do what you can to soothe it with the hydrogen peroxide (even though it is not painful, my doing that made it not noticeable and I honestly forgot it was even there until yesterday when they said it was).

If it is just a fragment working its way out of your gums, it should come out on its own or come up close enough to remove with tweezers.

Re: Week long bone fragment (?) not coming out of gum - scheduled for a few days from now

I'm 2 1/2 months post op! I had a post quite a while back before they gave me my soft liners..so that part is much better..but last time I went back about 3wks ago I mentioned about the bone fragments coming thru and hurting..i have around 7, surgeon said he could go back in and surgically shave my gums down again but I don't want all that pain again. I actually scheduled an apt for surgery on the 1st of Sept, but canceled it b/c my mouth feels so much better...im still taking ibuprofen 2x a day (800mg) bc they get so sore still, I also still have many bones sticking out everywhere..but it has become tolerable. My question is I go back tomorrow for another check up, all is covered until I'm satisfied... should I go on and let them do a shaving down of all my gums? or will I become used to it? is it normal to have them forever? or will they not go away until I get them shaved down.... in case you hadn't read my previous thread.......June 27th I had 19 teeth extraction surgically removed under anesthesia but another doc gave me immediate dentures, thanks if I can get help before I make a commitment to just do it...! I just don't want to go through all that pain again if they will eventually level themselves out.... I go in at 7am:scared:
Re: Week long bone fragment (?) not coming out of gum - scheduled for a few days from now

Hello, Asimpleheart . . . the only thing I can tell you since you are in the dentures stage is what happened to my mother-in-law. She did have to have her gums opened up. She said they snipped and ground down the areas of the extractions sites that were protruding, then stitched her back up. It took her (because of her age) six weeks to be healed up, but she is doing fabulous with her dentures now.

I would advise getting everything done now that you need to have done to be able to wear them comfortably. She was six weeks post-extraction when she went for the denture fitting and that was when they discovered it. She just loves wearing dentures after healing up from the procedure. She said prior to getting that done, she felt "meh" and her mouth hurt all of the time.

I hope this helps!
