My anxiety problems began at age 22, having suffered abuse for most of my young life. That all stopped at age 15, then seven years later, the anxiety, panic attacks, general stress and clinical depression started. I was literally kind of 'thrown in the deep end' and with no way to control or stop it. My doctor said "We won't give you any medication for this first bout, we'll just see if you can control it yourself." Thanks Doc! It took me nine months of shaking and being scared to eventually beat it with help from a new job and some fun workmates. Nowadays, nearly 40 years later, I don't get basic anxiety, but only if it is caused by a physical symptom. Six years ago, I had a grommet put in my ear, unneccesarily, although I requested it. The ENT forced something sharp into my ear and stuck this thing in. My head spun uncontrollably for about 7-10 minutes as I lay on the table. It eventually stopped, but the panic attacks and anxiety began and lasted for three months without a break! Until they removed the grommet and the hole eventually healed up over the next six weeks. The ENT had given me some antibiotics which said on the pack, something like, 'taking this medication will probably cause immediate and lifelong deafness in the affected ear'! Reading up on it, I realised that it definitely would do that, removing any quality of life 100%. When my ear healed up, I went back to the 50% hearing that I had had before, which is far more preferable to complete deafness! This also caused something else though. Smelling things also changed for me, since I had the grommet inserted, I cannot notice anything smelling the same as before.
Now I have another problem. I had a tooth extracted the other week. A first molar. As it is so far back in my mouth, everytime the corners of the teeth surrounding the gap touch my tongue, that causes a gag reflex, which is very uncomfortable. I am getting more used to it, but if one or both of those teeth dig in at an awkward angle, an enormous wave of fear and panic suddenly floods right through my whole system! I just had this about an hour ago and it hasn't died down yet!
I am seeing a new dentist for my first 'registration' appointment this Thursday (26th. March) and I really hope there is something she can do for me to relieve these symptoms. Just as a temporary 'stop-gap', if you'll pardon the pun, would be better than nothing. a temporary single denture, above the socket, or some other way of shielding my tongue from my very vicious teeth, while the gap heals and adjusts itself, would be ideal. My previous dentist, who wanted me to wait 15 weeks to have any treatment at all, started all this off again. I find that, whenever I request some kind of treatment that I've heard about from my dentist, they invariably say, "I can't do that" or "I won't do that" Or "I'm afraid that's illegal!" Like when one of my teeth, a second molar on the lower right side, started actually cutting into my tongue and leaving me with a mouth full of blood on occasion. I asked the dentist if he would just file a little bit of the edge on that tooth, so as to stop the bleeding. That's when he said it would be illegal. I can't imagine that it was at all, of course, but I know he never liked me much and that's NOT an over-exaggeration! So now I have a new dentist and I really, desperately hope that she will attempt at least, to do something to help me.
I have read all of this page and all of the rest of the other problems listed. I really sympathize with all of you and hope that you have found, or will soon find a satisfactory solution to your problems!