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What should I do about a broken tooth?

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Jul 9, 2009
My teeth are pretty much a mess. I don't have dental insurance. My husband has been un- or under-employed for most of the last two years and any resources we may have once had, be it credit cards or help from family, are exhausted. We are only just barely getting by at this time. The very back tooth on the bottom broke today. At this point it doesn't hurt, although there's a sharp bit scraping my tongue. I have absolutely no idea when we might be able to afford to have proper dental care for me, but I don't expect it will be anytime soon. There is a free clinic I might be eligible for, but they provide only the most basic services, extractions and simple fillings. What I'm wondering, as I sit here having panic attack after panic attack, is if it would be better to just have the tooth removed at this point, or try to live with it in hopes I might be able to have it fixed? It's completely freaking me out and I'd like to just have it out (although the thought of having it done makes me feel sick) rather than worry and worry for some unknown period of time. But I understand there are issues involved in just having a tooth removed, bone loss or whatnot. With our limited resources and destroyed credit, I just don't see us being able to afford even reasonably priced work in the near future. The money problems + dental phobia = me in a constant state of distress, it's exhausting :(
Having a tooth out is usually simple. Most extractions are uncomplicated and heal well (my mum had two back teeth out recently and had none of the problems mentioned on this forum).

But if you can get free care, then ask them to look at it. It may be that all you need is to have the sharp edge polished.
My guess is that the best thing and least expensive thing to do is an extraction. It will be easiest for you as a phobic and the cost (here in the US) is $100 versus up to $1000 for a crown.

If the tooth just broke from no other cause that a chip, and this is not the result of decay, then perhaps filing is possible, but (and I am not a dentist), it seems that an extraction may still be the best...if this is not a tooth you use frequently for chewing.

Free dental clinics can be great. My former dentist now retired still works the free clinics. Just because a dentist is at a free dental clinic does not mean he or she is less than qualified or less than compassionate.
Thank you both for your reply. I decided to go to the free clinic last week, they only take 8 patients, once a week. They have a crazy way of getting one of those 8th slots and I was the 9th person to show up, so I'll try again next week. Hopefully they're seeing patients at all on Wednesday. The anxiety of this broken tooth in my mouth is driving me crazy. There's not much pain, just a twinge now and then, but I'm terrified of it flaring up before I can get an appointment.

Thanks again for taking the time to reply to me :)