• Dental Phobia Support

    Welcome! This is an online support group for anyone who is has a severe fear of the dentist or dental treatment. Please note that this is NOT a general dental problems or health anxiety forum! You can find a list of them here.

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What's Your Worst Fear?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Franca
  • Start date Start date

What is your biggest dental fear?

  • Pain

    Votes: 59 45.4%
  • Gagging/nausea/vomiting

    Votes: 25 19.2%
  • Needles

    Votes: 37 28.5%
  • Lack of Control/feeling at the mercy of the dentist

    Votes: 46 35.4%
  • Other - please specify (N.B.: The options below weren't part of the original poll but added in 2019)

    Votes: 15 11.5%
  • Embarrassment/shame (newly added)

    Votes: 25 19.2%
  • The dentist (newly added)

    Votes: 13 10.0%
  • The numb feeling (newly added)

    Votes: 8 6.2%
  • Panicking, crying or making a fool of myself (newly added)

    Votes: 19 14.6%
  • Bad reaction to local anaesthetic (newly added)

    Votes: 9 6.9%
  • The sound of the drill (newly added)

    Votes: 16 12.3%
  • Unnecessary treatment (newly added)

    Votes: 13 10.0%
  • Choking or drowning (newly added)

    Votes: 10 7.7%
  • Issues arising from past sexual/physical/emotional abuse (newly added)

    Votes: 10 7.7%

  • Total voters
I'm so strange when it comes to determining what my triggers are and it is all mixed up.

First it was money, fresh out on my own in college, no credit, no parents to help me, barely making ends meet, i just didn't have the money to take care of problems.

When the small problems started to come on from lack of dental care in college I had several different situations happen over those years that did major damage to me in the way of i felt like my mouth was disgusting, and it was cruel for me to even ask a hygienist and a dentist to do work inside of my mouth. I felt mortified every time anyone tries to look in my mouth, dentist, doctor, nurse, etc. I felt like my mouth was going to make them sick.

Then its back to the money.....by the time i did all of this damage from negligence, I had a quote of $10,000 to fix my mouth....and when you have anxiety its hard enough to get in the first time, going for second opinions are nearly impossible.

Then over the years due to my avoidance somehow it twisted into a fear of anesthesia, and claustrophobia of having people in my face so close.. Strangely the tools and smells bother me the least, I'm not scared of shots, but i would never allow them to use gas on me, i couldn't handle the mask with them in my face.

And then lastly, i think, i have a major fear of small problems turning into big problems while they are working on it. I had two cavities filled yesterday and i was terrified they would get in there to fill them and they would turn into root canals, thankfully they did not and it was all good.

I went from not even being able to call the dentist to make my children's appointments without sobbing to yesterday actually walking into the dentist and had two cavities filled with only minor emotion. I still had the shakes, and almost shed a tear but i was able to smile and joke around with them and not feel ashamed. All of my fears are completely irrational, and i absolutely know that, i can see myself being completely ridiculous, but I can't turn it off. The dentist I'm working with is making me come in for very small increments at a time twice a month, refusing to do any long sessions. He said my best therapy is walking in the door twice a month. He is afraid if he fixes me all at once then he wont see me again for another twenty years because it wont address my phobia, and I'm pretty sure he's right!
I think for me, its an overall inability to trust dental professionals. I started my dental journey a little under 2 years ago after a 17 year hiatus from dentists. The hiatus was a result of severe phobia as a result of being papoosed as a young child for dentist work. Even though most of the staff at the new office are really nice, i just..... i just dont know. I've never been able to trust anyone even after all i've been through. Deep cleaning, 2 rounds of 7 extractions each, 2 fillings, and a ship load of partial adjustments.

Even though i should be going in for a cleaning sooner then later(past due by over a year), i'm dreading it.
You know how people say "I'm afraid of the dentist"? Well, in my case it's literally true.

I'm not afraid of the treatments as such, I'm afraid of the dentist.

Deep down I'm afraid of them getting angry and impatient with me, afraid of getting hurt and I struggle to speak up and tell them what's bothering me. It's hard not to see them as a sort of threatening authority figure that you need to obey so you don't get hurt.

I've met a couple of really fantastic dentists though and am getting past all that. It takes time, but it turns out it is solvable.
Being embrassed about how my teeth look (got a difficult mouth to keep clean)

Having someone looking in your mouth, being too close to me.

Some of the tools which the dentist used.

The dentist at the pratice knows I am scared, even when I have had a problem seeing another dentist at the pratice have probably be warned this patient is scared.
My fears regarding dental work are many. For a long time it was the cost, but that's not an issues now that I have a new job and good insurance.

I really have trouble trusting dentists and dental professionals. I've had rough and impatient dentists, so now I'm afraid of 'the dentist' themself.

Another fear is fear of pain. I'm hard to numb and keep numb for procedures. Even cleanings hurt me now. My teeth are just very sensitive.

I have a fear of the dental drill and explorer as I've had many fillings and root canal treatments over the years.
Thanks for all that responded, curious if i had the same fears as others.
Trust me...no you wouldn't.

Trust me--yes I would. And kindly refrain from telling me "how I should feel" when you don't know anything about me. I wouldn't show you that kind of disrespect.
Im so scared of the pain, the noise those machines make, and most of all, the judgmental comments. I’ve avoided the dentists because it’s so expensive and when I was younger, my mom couldn’t afford dental work being a single mom and mother of 7. Now, here I am, needing dental work and in pain. Yes, I’m scared, terrified ?
Don't be afraid. Any dentist I've gone to does a good job. They usually ask how often you brush your teeth, do you use mouthwash, and floss and do so without passing judgment. During one of my visits, the hygenist showed me how to floss without me asking which I appreciated. She also recommended an electric toothbrush which has made the plaque go away. You got to change the brush head every 6 months I think. I get to watch television and they give me a remote to channel surf while they work on my teeth! Ask your friends, (or if you don't have any friends ask your banker, pharmacist, mechanic, etc.!) which dentist they like and check Yelp reviews and I'm sure you'll find a dentist you'll like!:)
My biggest fear is not getting numb (I have difficulty), or the procedure not working or causing a snowball effect comes in close
There are a lot of things I used to fear more like

Things dropping down my throat..all those little parts going in and out would put me on edge. ( well its almost the 1 yr anniversary going to my new dentist and he hasn't dropped anything yet and very careful )

The shot... is it going to hurt this time? ( Thankfully now I am comfortable enough I don't have to squeeze the assistants hand giving her the death grip).. actually thankfully too, my dentist is a pro at this and I rarely even feel the pinch..

impressions..ugh.. I hated these.. well still don't like them but.. the last few weren't bad and made it through in one shot, but used to think the stuff was going to go down my throat and cut off my breathing.. thankfuilly in many years and crowns and dentures later never has happened.

The one fear I still have which is the worst is the fear of the switcheroo.. now I don't think I will need to worry as I'm not at the same clinic this happened at .. but my previous clinic the dr would come in , then about when you were ready to get treated he would bring another associate in you don't know to do the treatment. #1. you don't know or trust the other person #2. you didn't agree to it, so its a boundaries/basic respect thing if it wasn't discussed ahead . #3. For me it may make me think there is a reason about me they switched , they don't want to help me, don't like me, think my teeth are awful,... so .. that doesn't help the situation..

Thankfully my dentist now is awesome and I don't think I have to worry about switcheroo.. but.. if something happened with him.. I'd be worried again to start all over..
Mine is the numbing effect from a lower block!!!! I’m so scared of not being able to feel my throat
Being told my teeth have all got to go (I go reguarly for appoinments)
Also,, one time I woke up and my tooth was just sitting in my mouth unattached.. I could have easily swallowed it in my sleep it was a miracle I didn't... but I fear this happening again... it was a crown so the glue just must have worn off but it was scary.
I would have to say being in pain (from dental issues, much more than treatments), gagging, losing control / anxiety attack while in the chair, the cost, not figuring out what is going on (for example, going to the dentist for pain and not getting any explanation).
The noises of all the machines and cause how bad my teeth are ill have to get them all pulled out so the pain as well
Pain - the injectable anesthesia does not numb me. I can still feel significant pain. Then the dentist becomes frustrated because “You should be numb by now, not feeling anything.” But I do. Conscious sedation doesn’t work either. I metabolize medication/sedation incredibly fast.