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Who should use high fluoride prescription toothpaste?

  • Thread starter Thread starter jen2605
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Oct 11, 2009
I found out at a recent check up that I have multiple early cavities. The dentist says that they will need fillings in 6 months unless I reduce my sugar intake and improve my oral hygiene.

I'm now starting to get obsessed with my teeth because I can't face needing more fillings. I had two done a couple of years ago, and I had a couple in my baby teeth but otherwise my teeth have been pretty good.

I've bought toothpaste with 1450ppm fluoride in it, and mouthwash with 450ppm fluoride in it - that's the highest I can find without prescription. I've massively reduced my sugar intake and am brushing 3 times daily (at least) and flossing daily. But I'm wondering if my dentist should have prescribed me a high fluoride toothpaste or mouthwash. It doesn't really feel like she's doing anything to help me prevent these cavities getting worse, and I really can't face more fillings so I'm willing to try ANYTHING.
Hi Jen,

I faced 8 fillings last summer after not seeing a dentist for 5+ years (I'm 22) and like you do not want to have anymore. Last March, when I went for a cleaning, she marked several watch areas that were early cavities and as of Wednesday when I went for another cleaning, they had not progressed or worsened. I've been brushing 3 times a day, flossing twice, and simply using Listerine at night and Sensodyne toothpaste and that seems to be working for me.
I found out at a recent check up that I have multiple early cavities. The dentist says that they will need fillings in 6 months unless I reduce my sugar intake and improve my oral hygiene.

I'm now starting to get obsessed with my teeth because I can't face needing more fillings. I had two done a couple of years ago, and I had a couple in my baby teeth but otherwise my teeth have been pretty good.

I've bought toothpaste with 1450ppm fluoride in it, and mouthwash with 450ppm fluoride in it - that's the highest I can find without prescription. I've massively reduced my sugar intake and am brushing 3 times daily (at least) and flossing daily. But I'm wondering if my dentist should have prescribed me a high fluoride toothpaste or mouthwash. It doesn't really feel like she's doing anything to help me prevent these cavities getting worse, and I really can't face more fillings so I'm willing to try ANYTHING.

i was prescribed 3 tubes of that stuff, Colgate Duraphat 5000ppm, lord knows why. have you looked up not using fluoride toothpaste and oil pulling instead? just have a google, i have just started using coconut oil.

personally i use coarse sea salt and warm water to rinse, coase sea salt has no fluoride, better than god knows what chemicals are in those mouthwashes.
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Thanks for your input Bailey, but I'm going to stick with the conventional approach for now. I'm a doctor, and have done a lot of research. There is a lot of good evidence that fluoride prevents cavities, and can remineralise early cavities, and no good evidence that it causes any harm.
Thanks for your input Bailey, but I'm going to stick with the conventional approach for now. I'm a doctor, and have done a lot of research. There is a lot of good evidence that fluoride prevents cavities, and can remineralise early cavities, and no good evidence that it causes any harm.

Yes you are correct. In fact fluoride is about the same toxicity as Vitamin D
Thank you Raymond. Can you answer my initial question please? Should I be using high fluoride prescription toothpaste?
I don't know the complete situation but in general anyone who is getting some smooth surface caries would benefit from a high fluoride prescription toothpaste or rinse along with consumption of xylitol if tolerated by their g.i. system.